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30 September 2005, 06:49 pm
RS:X Cadiz Race 2005 - Draft 3
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'We ran our first event last week in North America at St. Francis Yacht Club with 40 competitors, a lot of them on chartered equipment. The reaction we got from sailors was outstanding. We invited a lot of sailors who have gone away from windsurfing, or at least one design windsurfing, over the last few years and been racing Formulas and the response we got was just overwhelming, in favour of going back to one-design sailing which is really what we were looking to get… and getting 120 people here in Cadiz is a fantastic follow up.'

'It's really outstanding getting this level of interest and I think it's also quite amazing when you consider it's less than one year since we launched the project. We started in November last year when the decision was made to go with RS:X all we had was one prototype and now we've delivered more the 500 boards, sailors have come from all around the world and we're getting 120 sailors here competing in that short time is pretty amazing and I think it shows the level of interest we've created in a high performace one-design class.'

'It's a partnership between Neil Pryde Limited and ISAF and what we've seen so far is that it's a partnership which really is working.'


'It's been a perfect year. I never thought about winning so many things, it has been great, as I've won everything. It as much as I could ever have expected so I'm delighted about it. I been working very hard for it and now I have the results to show.'

Difference between 2004/2005

'My trainer has been very important feature in my success, as he prepared me as well as he possibly could, and setup the results that I've had on the water. He has been vital in helping me to achieve the results I've had this year.'


'The beginning and end of the summer have been the highlight after winning the Mistral World Championship and then the Youth Worlds. I really prepared for those races and finally I got the results that I wanted. So it's been tremendous for me.'

This week.

'I've been sailing the new board for three weeks, so now it's going to be like a training race, trying to do the best I can but always paying attention to the new equipment and the

other competitors who have had more time on the new board.'


'I'm just going to try and stay as close as possible to those sailors who have more experience on the board, so I can start training harder by myself when I see those competitors, as I'm here on my own.'

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