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10 September 2007, 03:43 pm
British On Top
Image of the racing
Action from Torbole

Dart 18 World Championship 2007
Torbole, Italy

It was an all British podium at the Circolo Vela Torbole when the medals were presented at the Dart 18 World Championships.
The winners were Daniel NORMAN and Melanie ROBERS who also won the final race with David LLOYD and Cathrin FARTHING pulling out a second place to take them up the leaderboard to second overall.

The bronze medal went to Paul WAKELIN and Emma CURTIS whilst the French team of Emmanuel DODE and Billy BESSON who had placed second going into the final day, finished fouth overall after finishing 31st at the last race. The prize giving took place on the Torbole's club terrace.

It must be said thanks to the decision of the Colleettee's President, Giorgio BAZZINI, if the regatta was completed regularly, of course together with Circolo Vela Torbole. Ten races were completed with two discards according to the Notice of Race.

The Italian boats gained a lot of experience from the event, the new secretary of the Italian class Dart 18 is the Carabinieri's Major Martino SALVO who sailed together with Luca RODOLFI (Circolo Nautico Volano di Codigoro, FE), and they finished 111th. Giorgio VINCENTI, together with Fabrizio OTTAVIANI (Assonautica Viterbo) was 120th.

Claudio Chiarani (As Amended by ISAF)
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