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19 July 2002, 12:10 pm
To Be or not To Be?
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Dragon Class European Championship
Lake Thun

It's touch and go whether there will be a valid Championship at the Dragon Class Europeans. They need two more races today, to make a total of four for the event to count.

On Thursday afternoon, race 1 and 2 of the were finally sailed on a shortened course. A few hours without rain, a little bit of sun and force 1 - 3 beaufort, although a rather shifty wind, allowed the fleet of 61 dragon crews from 14 nations to start racing. The first race went to GER 968, Schattan-Hailer-Binder, the winner of the second race was GER 968, Semmerow-Butzmann-Stettler. Leading after two races is GER 905, Erhard-Erhard-Leismüller (Augsburger Segel Club).

The weather forecast is promising for today and the Race Committee hopes to sail these two important races on Friday, the last racing day. To be or not to be? Only time will tell.

A sailing day after four days of waiting for wind - and the world looks better. On Thursday evening, the Dragon sailors enjoyed a noble "apéro riche", offered by the Gstaad Yacht Club (whose Commodore George Nicholson is helming GBR 672), which has long and friendly connections with the organising Thunersee Yacht-Club.

Results After Two Races

Position Country Name Race 1 Race 2 Total Points
1 GER Erhard Michael 7 3 18,70
Erhard Angela
Leismüller Jörg
2 AUT Winkler Helmut 2 10 19,00
Drack Heinz
Spitzbart Herbert
3 AUS Alpe Robert 5 6 21,70
Mang Barbara
Ford David
4 GER Semmerow Ortwin 17 1 23,00
Butzmann Frank
Stettler Alain
5 GBR Gifford Patrick 6 7 24,70
Daser Bim
Gifford Michael
6 GER Fröschl Peter 4 13 27,00
Link Stephan
Krafka Roland
7 GER Schattan Michael 1 23 29,00
Hailer Martina
Binder Mucki
8 GER Kadelbach Achim 20 2 29,00
Kadelbach Petra
Baumeyer Jochen
9 DEN Berg Frank 8 22 42,00
Pehrsson Soren
Kaestel Soren
10 AUT Seidl Ernst 12 21 45,00
Mayr Rudi
Priester Thomas

Bernhard Stegmeier/News Editor
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