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26 July 2002, 06:27 pm
One Two For Ainslie
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Ainslie (GBR 3)

Finn Gold Cup

Ben Ainslie (GBR) continues to lead the Finn Gold Cup with a one, two score line today matched only by ISAF World ranked number one Mateusz Kusznierewicz (POL) who scored a two and a one.
These two had a close battle in both races, Kusznierewicz coming right back at Ainslie on the finish line of the first race to the great excitement of one Polish press correspondent, who nearly fell at of the press boat!

In the second race it went Kusznierewicz's way and he took the win from Ainslie. Local hero Emilios Papathanasiou (GRE) also fared very well today with a three and a ten, he has pulled back up to third overall just one point behind Kusznierewicz. Ainslie increased his lead by one point to seventeen points, and is looking more and more likely to take the title.

Position Crew Sail No Race 1 Race 2 Race 3 Race 4 Race 5 Race 6 Total Points
1 Ben Ainslie GBR 3 -6 2 5 1 1 2 11
2 Kusznierewicz Mateusz POL 17 5 -91 17 3 2 1 28
3 Papathanasiou Emilios GRE 6 1 1 14 -91 3 10 29
4 Karlo Kuret CRO 11 7 4 -16 6 7 5 29
5 Sebastien Godefroid BEL 7 3 -20 7 4 18 11 43
6 Charlie Cumbley GBR 15 9 5 10 -30 8 12 44
7 Rafael Trujizo Villar ESP 100 21 6 1 14 -25 3 45
8 Guillaume Florent FRA 73 2 16 3 -29 9 16 46
9 Fellmann Michael GER 79 11 -34 6 2 17 13 49
10 Rambeau Pascal FRA 17 -26 15 9 15 4 7 50

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