The road to e-invoicing leads to higher profit

Are hard copies of invoices drowning your business? Is manual invoice management increasing your risk of errors, your costs, and decreasing the time you have to focus on your core competencies? Now is the time to change your course.

Electronic invoicing, or e-invoicing, automates the invoice management process and can be integrated directly into back office enterprise resource planning (ERP) and accounting systems. Additionally, e-invoicing solutions provide companies with an automated way to comply with regulatoryrequirements, reducing the risk of fines and penalties.

OpenText e-invoicing solutions can help you move toward the goal of 100% electronic invoices, regardless of the size of your customers or suppliers.

Take a look at the opportunities for increasing profitability with e-invoicing as presented in this infographic:

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Lost? Follow These Signs on the Road to e-Invoicing.