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Psychosis is treatable - get help early

Vancouver Coastal Health Authority

1. Name of Service

Vancouver / Richmond Early Psychosis Intervention

2. Address of Service

333-2750 East Hastings St.
Vancouver, BC
V5K 1Z9

phone: 604-675-3875
fax: 604-675-3894

3. Hours of Service:

Monday to Friday from 8:30am - 5:00pm

For emergency services in Vancouver, call Mental Health Emergency Services, 604-874-7307
For emergency services in Richmond, call Mental Health Emergency Services, 604-244-5562

4. Who Can Receive Services?

Age range 13 - 30 years of age
Type of Psychoses or disorders Suspected or confirmed psychosis, except where explained by another medical condition or drug induced psychosis
Catchment areas served Vancouver and Richmond

5. Do I need A Referral?

Anyone can refer including self-referral

6. Program Description: 

Basic early psychosis services provided include:

Complete assessment of symptoms and physical functioning
Medication management
Case manager
Family Support and Education
Client education
Treatment of problems in living and other mental health issues

In addition to these basic early intervention services more comprehensive services may be offered including:

Cognitive assessments and rehabilitation
Vocational rehab programs
Medication side effect monitoring, healthy living programs
Alumni programs
Research and opportunities to participate in studies
Community and public education
Research and opportunities to participate in studies
Other things like assistance with housing

Comprehensiveness and degree of specialization of the service:

Full EPI Program (Level 1)
Developing EPI Program (Level 2)
EPI Informed Care (Level 3)
General Mental Heath Service only (Level 4)

Criteria to help describe level of service.

Full EPI Program (Level 1) with a full range of services and compliance with almost all Standards and Guidelines). Highly specialized program and staff

Developing EPI Program (i.e. Level 2) with most staff who have received specialized EPI training and the service is not at the level of service given by Full programs but certainly exceeds the breadth and intensity of services by EPI-Informed Level 3 services or generic mental health centres.

EPI-Informed Care (Level 3) is characterized by no formal status and reduced scope of services compared to the Standards and guidelines yet there must be a minimum of specialized training or skill working with early psychosis clients and families. This type of service is frequent in rural areas where there may be a sole clinician who has received specialized EPI training who handles first episode clients and works with physicians in the communities in the catchment area.

General Mental health service (Level 4 -No special EPI service) refers to general mental health service without the specialized training, expertise and services concerning early psychosis.