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Sailing Federation

Method of Calculation

The Method of Calculating the ISAF World Match Race Rankings is defined below. All skippers must have an ISAF Sailor ID in order to be included on the Rankings.


A skipper's Ranking points are calculated by adding together his best four result scores in each of the most recent two years. The result scores are calculated as follows:

Points Allocation* x Event Grade Multiplier** x Year Weighting

*including any Skipper Bonus Points
** including any Event Bonus Factor


Points awarded from 1st to 19th place in all events are as follows:

1st - 100 5th - 60 9th - 20 13th - 7 17th - 3
2nd - 90 6th - 50 10th - 10 14th - 6 18th - 2
3rd - 80 7th - 40 11th - 9 15th - 5 19th - 1
4th - 70 8th - 30 12th - 8 16th - 4

When less than 10 competitors compete in an event, fewer points will be allocated for coming first, second, third, etc. A point allocation table is available from the ISAF Office.

Skipper Bonus Points

One point is awarded to a skipper for each higher ranked competitor he beats in the overall results. For these purposes, the Ranking list issued immediately prior to the event will be used.


Events are graded by ISAF according to the 'Grading Criteria for Match Race Events' and are reviewed on an annual basis.

Grade Category of Event Grade Multiplier
Grade WC ISAF World Championship x 3.5
Grade 1 Leading international events x 3
Grade 2 Top international events x 2.5
Grade 3 Minor international events x 2
Grade 3 National Match Race Championship x 2
Grade 4 Other national events x 1.5
Grade 5 Regional and exhibition events x 1

Event Bonus Factor

An Event Bonus Factor will be awarded to events where a minimum of 51% of competitors are to be found in:

Top 40 for Grade 1
Top 100 for Grade 2
Top 150 for Grade 3
Top 250 for Grade 4
Top 400 for Grade 5

The formula is: % of competitors in the Top 40 (Grade 1 event) minus 50 x 0.008. (The '50' relates to the minimum threshold and 0.008 is calculated by dividing the available bonus factor (0.4) by the available % points (50).

Example: Grade 2 Event

% of comps in Top 100 + Grade Multiplier + Bonus Factor = Total Multiplication Factor
100 2.5 0.4 2.9
80 2.5 0.24 2.74
55 2.5 0.04 2.54
51 2.5 0.008 2.508


Result scores will be 'weighted' according to the year in which the event takes place:

Year 1 (current year, ie. most recent 365 days) x 6
Year 2 (immediate past year, ie. took place between 365-730 days ago) x 3


If a competitor is given a Zero Score Penalty (as detailed in point 2.4 of the grading criteria), during the most recent 2 year period, that score must count towards the competitor's Ranking score.

Fleet Race Rankings
Fleet Race Rankings
Match Race Rankings
Match Race Rankings
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