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Apple, the Apple logo and iPhone are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries. App Store is a service mark of Apple Inc.
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New Features Icon

New Features

“Show me my trip.”

“Shazam this song.”

“Search TripAdvisor for Portland hotels.”


Show me my trip.

Get flights, hotels, car rentals, restaurants, and event tickets for your upcoming trip.

Dining Icon


“Where's the closest coffee shop?”

“Show me my dinner reservations for Thursday.”

“Show me the menu for Masa 14.”

“How many calories are in a double cheeseburger?”

Movies Icon


“What movies are playing tonight?”

“Show me the trailer for Furious 7.”

“When does Minions come out?”

“Where can I see Unbroken around here?”

Music Icon


“Play Modest Mouse.”

“What's this song?”

“Show me my email from Brian about Modest Mouse.”

“What are songs by Ziggy Stardust?”

Sports Icon


“Did the Lakers win today?”

“What NBA games are on tonight?”

“Who does Carmelo Anthony play for?”

“How many titles has Tim Duncan won?”


Shazam this song.

Find artist and song information instantly.


Search TripAdvisor for Portland hotels.

It's easy to search for content, even if it's in another app.

Travel Icon


“When should I leave for the airport today?”

“Is my flight delayed?”

“How much is 10 dollars in Euros?”

“How do you say let's go out tonight in French?”

Take Action Icon

Take Action

“Call Jake.”

“Text Taylor, be there in 10, can't find my keys.”

“Open YouTube.”

“Email Dave, Those pics from freshman year were amazing!”

Directions & Maps Icon

Directions & Maps

“How do I get home by bus?”

“Where is Shake Shack?”

“Is there a farmer's market near here?”

“How's the traffic to work?”

Reminders & Alarms Icon

Reminders & Alarms

“Remind me to buy shampoo next time I'm at Walmart.”

“Set an alarm for 7:30am.”

“Remind me to call Hillary at 6 PM on Friday.”

“Wake me up in an hour.”

Keep Exploring.

Discover even more things you can ask the Google app.

Now Cards

Get the right information at just the right time with Now cards.

New Cards Icon

New Cards

Your boarding pass as you arrive at the airport.

Traffic reports for your commute.

Manage Your Day Icon

Manage Your Day

Now cards keep track of important information:

  • Boarding passes & flight info
  • Current weather
  • Upcoming appointments
  • Traffic & transit
  • Restaurant reservations

Travel easier.

Your boarding pass as you arrive at the airport.

Travel easier.
Be a Local Icon

Be a Local

Now cards help you discover wherever you are:

  • Public transit
  • Nearby attractions
  • Translations & conversations
  • Events happening nearby
  • Photo spots nearby

Never be late again.

Never be late again.
Stay Connected Icon

Stay Connected

Now cards give you information you want, when you need it:

  • Sports scores
  • Stock information
  • Concerts and events you might be interested in
  • TV, music, and movie recommendations

See all the Cards.

Now cards help you get what you want when you need it.

Not all features are available on iOS.

Apple, the Apple logo and iPhone are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries. App Store is a service mark of Apple Inc.

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How Search Works

How Search Works

Search. It happens billions of times a day in the blink of an eye. Explore the art and science that makes it possible.

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