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}          CONST.delay = '4000';             Venus in the ascendance to light up Sydney  Sydney 2000 marked one of the high points of Venus Williams’ eventful career - watch the best moments here!       Sport: a ‘natural partner’ for Sustainable Development Goals IOC President Thomas Bach praised the inclusion of sport in the post-2015 UN Sustainable Development Goals.            var m_saveInterval; var m_currentPosition; document.addEvent('domready', function() { // Position courante m_currentPosition = document.getElementById('listSize').style.top; m_currentPosition = m_currentPosition.replace('px', ''); $('ctl00_contentPlaceTopWide_NewsBlock_hlnkNext').addEvent('mouseover', function(event) { // Taille de la liste complète sizeList = $$('#listSize').getSize(); // Taille de la liste visible sizeVisibleList = $$('#olympicNews .list-wrapper .list').getSize(); // Action de défilement m_saveInterval = window.setInterval(scrollBottom, 60); }); $('ctl00_contentPlaceTopWide_NewsBlock_hlnkPrevious').addEvent('mouseover', function(event) { // Action de défilement m_saveInterval = window.setInterval(scrollTop, 60); }); $('ctl00_contentPlaceTopWide_NewsBlock_hlnkNext').addEvent('mouseout', function(event) { window.clearInterval(m_saveInterval); }); $('ctl00_contentPlaceTopWide_NewsBlock_hlnkPrevious').addEvent('mouseout', function(event) { window.clearInterval(m_saveInterval); }); function scrollBottom() { if (m_currentPosition > -(sizeList[0].y - sizeVisibleList[0].y)) { if ((m_currentPosition - 5) < -(sizeList[0].y - sizeVisibleList[0].y)) { $$('#listSize').setStyle('top', -(sizeList[0].y - sizeVisibleList[0].y) + 'px'); } else { m_currentPosition -= 5; $$('#listSize').setStyle('top', m_currentPosition + 'px'); } } }; function scrollTop() { if (m_currentPosition < 0) { if ((m_currentPosition + 5) > 0) { $$('#listSize').setStyle('top', 0 + 'px'); } else { m_currentPosition += 5; $$('#listSize').setStyle('top', m_currentPosition + 'px'); } } }; });    News   RSS News        02/10    IOC drives discussions on pregnancy and elite athletes      01/10    Young creatives take part in the first IOC Gifting contest   Olympic Highlights   Three years to go to Buenos Aires 2018!      30/09    Rio rapids ready to roll      29/09    IOC teams up with UN Women to foster gender equality in Brazil targeting young women and sport       28/09    Venus in the ascendance to light up Sydney   IOC President Bach and Japanese Prime Minister Abe discuss Sustainable Development Goals and upcoming Olympic Games Tokyo 2020      27/09    IOC President addresses interactive session at UN on need for effective, accountable and inclusive institutions in achieving recently adopted Sustainable Development Goals   IOC President calls sport a ‘natural partner’ for realisation of Sustainable Development Goals during speech to the United Nations      25/09    UN General Assembly includes sport in post-2015 Sustainable Development Goals      24/09    First test events in view as IOC concludes 5th Coordination Commission visit in PyeongChang      23/09    PyeongChang 2018 breaks new ground!   IOC President to deliver speech at UN General Assembly with sport set to be included in Sustainable Development Goals   TOP Partner Visa Announces Team Visa Rio 2016    Torres makes a golden comeback      22/09     Joint INTERPOL-IOC training sharpens investigation skills for competition manipulation allegations   Olympic Highlights   Fifth IOC Coordination Commission visit begins in PyeongChang             More news                window.addEvent('domready', function () { var OgItemList = $$('.OgItem a'); var OgLiItem = $$('.OgItem'); linkList = $$('.OgBlock .list'); var listSize = linkList[0].getSize().x; relatedLinks = $$('.OgBlock .links li'); // defines the current item index in the list OgLiItem.each(function (item, index) { if (item.hasClass('current')) { var itemPos = -listSize / 2 + index * 85 + 97 / 2 + 13; linkList.setStyle('backgroundPosition', itemPos + 'px bottom'); } }); if (OgItemList != undefined && OgItemList != null) { OgItemList.each(function (item, index) { item.addEvent('mouseover', function (event) { resetAllItems('.OgItem'); item.parentNode.addClass('current'); hideAllLinks(relatedLinks); relatedLinks[index].setStyle('display', 'block'); var itemPos = -listSize / 2 + index * 85 + 97 / 2 + 13; linkList.setStyle('backgroundPosition', itemPos + 'px bottom'); }); }); } // loop on all the OG items to unset the "current" class function resetAllItems(selector) { var itemList = $$(selector); itemList.each(function (item, index) { item.removeClass('current'); }); } // hide all related links function hideAllLinks(selector) { var linksList = $$(selector); linksList.each(function (item, index) { item.setStyle('display', 'none'); }); } });    Olympic Games    Vancouver 2010   London 2012   Sochi 2014   Rio 2016   PyeongChang 2018   Tokyo 2020   Beijing 2022       17 action-packed days! 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 //         The best of Sydney 2000         AAAFL099 Sydney 2000: Athletics: 800m: 1st round: Heat 4: TSYGANOVA Natalya (RUS), HOLMES Kelly (GBR) 3rd.

         Paralympic M 100 T11 25 Oct 2000: Carlos Lopes of Portugal before competing in the men's 100m T11 Heats at Stadium Australia during the Sydney 2000 Paralympic Games in Sydney, Australia. Mandatory Credit: Adam Pretty/ALLSPORT

         Oly M 4x400m X 30 Sep 2000: Michael Johnson of the USA on his way to winning the Gold medal, in the final of the Men's 4 x 400m Relay at the Sydney 2000 Olympic Games, held at Stadium Australia, Homebush Bay in Sydney, Australia. DIGITAL IMAGE Mandatory Credit: Sean Garnsworthy/ALLSPORT

         Oly W 4x400m X 30 Sep 2000: Cathy Freeman of Australia in action during the Womens 4x400m Final at the 2000 Sydney Olympic Games at the Olympic Stadium, Sydney, Australia.DIGITAL IMAGE. Mandatory Credit: Sean Garnsworthy/ALLSPORT

         Oly W 4x400m relay 30 Sep 2000: Cathy Freeman of Australia in action in the Women's 4x400m relay held at Olympic Stadium during the Sydney 2000 Olympic Games, Sydney, Australia. Mandatory Credit: Allsport/ALLSPORT

         Oly W 4x400m X 30 Sep 2000: Cathy Freeman of Australia in action, during the final of the Women's 4 x 400m Relay at the Sydney 2000 Olympic Games, held at Stadium Australia, Homebush Bay in Sydney, Australia. DIGITAL IMAGE Mandatory Credit: Mark Dadswell/ALLSPORT

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