The U.S. and World Population Clock is one of the most popular features on More than 2.4 million users a year access it to find national and world population estimates, as well as statistics on states and regions, age, sex and population density. Today, I’m excited to showcase the addition of several new features to the World Population Clock. For the first time, basic population facts and visualizations are available for 228 countries and areas around the world, just as they are for U.S. states.

foto di U.S. Department of Commerce.

Yesterday, NOAA announced more than $4.5 million in grants to states and tribes to support endangered or threatened species recovery efforts. The agency is also opening a call for 2016 proposals under this program. The NOAA Fisheries Species Recovery Grant Program’s 2015 funding supports five new projects and the continuation of 14 multi-year projects.

foto di U.S. Department of Commerce.

I’m pleased to announce the beginning of data collection for the inaugural Annual Survey of Entrepreneurs. This new survey will be a supplement to the U.S. Census Bureau’s Survey of Business Owners, which is conducted every five years as part of the Economic Census. It represents an exciting public-private partnership between the Census Bureau, the Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation and the Minority Business Development Agency.

foto di U.S. Department of Commerce.

The National Institute of Standards and Technology’s Hollings Manufacturing Extension Partnership has built a strong network of centers that support manufacturing across the United States. When Hurricane Katrina struck, this network of manufacturers from across the country was called into action to help track and coordinate the tremendous outpouring of support to those affected by the disaster. Learn more --> ‪#‎Katrina10‬

foto di U.S. Department of Commerce.

In the ten years since the flood waters subsided, the people of the Gulf Region have demonstrated incredible resiliency and a strong will to restore the area to the vibrant, bustling community it was before the storms hit. That meant not only repairing the physical damage left by the storm, but working to repair the economic havoc the storm wreaked. The U.S. Department of Commerce’s International Trade Administration (ITA) and U.S. Economic Development Administration (EDA) are proud to be partners in those efforts. ‪#‎Katrina10‬

foto di U.S. Department of Commerce.

Last week, Secretary of Commerce Penny Pritzker wrapped up a three-state visit to National Network for Manufacturing Innovation (NNMI) institutes that are developing tomorrow’s transformative technologies and industries.

NNMI is a key element of the Administration’s competitiveness agenda and commitment to ensuring the next great revolution in manufacturing happens right here in America.

Learn more -

foto di U.S. Department of Commerce.

For our final @NOAA takeover image, consider how prepared you are for an emergency.

Even though it has been a decade since a hurricane has made landfall, everyone needs to be prepared for the unexpected. Your friends and family may not be together when disaster strikes. How will you find each other? Will you know if your children or parents are safe? You may have to evacuate or be confined to your home. What will you do if water, gas, electricity or phone services are shut of...f?

Put together a basic disaster supplies kit and consider storage locations for different situations. Help community members do the same.

Visit for more information on how to prepare, plan and stay informed for emergenices.

Finally, if you’ve enjoyed this takeover, make sure to follow @NOAA, as well as our other accounts: @NOAAOcean, @NOAAFisheries, @NOAASatellites, @NOAAOMAO, @NOAAClimate, @NOAAResearch, @NWS and @NOAADebris

foto di U.S. Department of Commerce.

Another @NOAA takeover photo.

This before-and-after photo depicts damage Hurricane ‪#‎Katrina‬ inflicted on Biloxi, Mississippi. Flying at 5,000 feet, a NOAA team following Katrina captured imagery over coastal areas of Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama.

When disaster strikes, NOAA dispatches teams of pilots and remote sensing experts to collect aerial photography over damaged areas. These photos are used to assist federal and local officials in response and recovery efforts....

foto di U.S. Department of Commerce.

Around Commerce, we focused on the economic recovery and environmental resilience of New Orleans and the Gulf Coast on the 10th anniversary of Hurricane Katrina. I encourage you to read the many posts on how Commerce has found innovative solutions from improving technology that improves weather forecasting to incorporating data in economic recovery.

Secretary Penny Pritzker was in Brownsville, Texas this week at a ceremony opening the West Rail Bypass International Bridge, which will serve as a catalyst for bolstering trade and strengthening commercial bonds between the U.S. and Mexico. On Thursday and Friday, the Secretary visited three instit…

The @NOAA takeover continues.

This image shows the improvements in forecasting since 2005.

NOAA has invested heavily in supercomputers to improve hurricane forecasts. The speed of computing has improved by 60 percent in global models at NOAA's Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory. The National Center for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) computer is running 175 times as fast as in 2005 and there will be another upgrade in the fall of 2015. This has reduced the track error for ...hurricanes by up to 40 percent. That’s why the Cone of Uncertainty is smaller in the 2015 simulation.

NOAA has also launched five weather @NOAASatellites with improved technology and instruments, so that NOAA's forecasts are more timely and more accurate for each storm's strength, location and direction. Today's 3-day forecasts are as accurate as 2-day forecasts were 10 years ago. This extra lead time is essential for communities and businesses as they prepare for potential storms.

@NOAAOMAO ‪#‎Katrina10‬ ‪#‎Katrina‬

foto di U.S. Department of Commerce.

The @NOAA takeover continues with this photo of a Louisiana marsh in 2005 and 2015. On August 29, 2005, not far from Chevron Pipe Line Company’s oil terminal in Buras, Louisiana, Hurricane Katrina made landfall.

The massive storm’s 144 mile per hour winds, 18 foot storm tide, and waves likely twice the height of the surge put the crude oil terminal under water. At some point during the storm, one of the terminal’s storage tanks was severely damaged on top, possibly after bein...g hit by something extremely large carried by the storm waters. The tank released crude oil into an adjacent retention pond designed to catch leaking oil, which it did successfully.

However, just a few short weeks later, Hurricane Rita hit the same part of the Gulf and the same oil terminal. Much of the spilled oil was still being contained on the retention pond’s surface, and this second hurricane washed the oil into a nearby marsh.

The team considered several options for treating the marsh, but one leapt to the top of the list: burning off the oil, a procedure known as in situ burn. In situ burning was the best option for several reasons: the density and amount of remaining oil, remote location, weather conditions, absence of normal wildlife populations after the storms, and the fact that the marsh was bound on three sides by canals, creating barriers for the fire. Also, for hundreds of years, the area had seen both natural burns (due to lightning strikes) and prescribed burns, with good results.

After careful consideration, the marsh was burned to remove the oil.

Today, the marsh is flourishing. There is no difference between the areas that were oiled and burned 10 years ago and nearby areas that were untouched.


foto di U.S. Department of Commerce.

Planning for communities to prepare for and recover from hazardous events like these—to be more resilient—is complex and requires input from a wide range of disciplines and people. ‪#‎Katrina10‬

Today, the marsh is flourishing. There is no difference between the areas that were oiled and burned 10 years ago and nearby areas that were untouched.

Ten years ago, one of the deadliest hurricanes in history struck the Gulf Coast, decimating coastal cities and communities from Gulfport, Miss., to New Orleans. A decade later, we are better positioned to deal with these types of disasters. (cc National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA))

Today @NOAA is taking over my account to share photos of Hurricane Katrina’s landfall ten years ago tomorrow.

Hurricane Katrina was the most costly and third deadliest hurricane in American history, but in the last 10 years, citizens of New Orleans and the Gulf Coast have worked really hard to repair their economy and ecosystems. Today’s takeover will highlight that effort.

This photo shows Hurricane Katrina as it reached a maximum intensity of Category 5 status, with 175 mp...h sustained winds. Hurricane Katrina made landfall in the morning of August 29, 2005.

foto di U.S. Department of Commerce.

Today, I toured the Institute for Advanced Composites Manufacturing Innovation (IACMI) in Oak Ridge, Tennessee and saw this 3D-printed car. It is one of the many exciting advances in manufacturing I’ve seen on my current tour of the National Network for Manufacturing Innovation Institutes.
The current network includes nine institutes funded by the Department of Defense and Department of Energy, with three still in competition phase.

But the President does not think nine inst...itutes is enough – he has called for up to 45. To uphold this Administration’s commitment to American competiveness, the President laid out a vision to put our nation on the cutting edge of manufacturing and innovation, and to keep the United States on the leading edge of research and new industries.

In today’s constantly evolving economy, leadership in manufacturing is not simply a “nice to have” – it is a “must have”. The President’s vision for a National Network for Manufacturing Innovation recognizes this fact and is a critical step forward to securing America’s leadership in advanced manufacturing.

foto di U.S. Department of Commerce.

Ten years later, Coast Survey reflects back on the planning and response to Hurricane Katrina, and looks to their progress in developing tools to aid in coastal resilience.

The Department of Commerce and several agencies, plus non-profit organizations, held a Twitter chat to highlight the entrepreneurial ecosystem in New Orleans.

As we prepare for the future, it is important to identify how individuals can get assistance with their innovation or business after a disaster. There are a variety of ways independent inventors and small businesses can easily contact the United States Patent and Trademark Office and get access—electronically or in person—to resources that can help get your business and your ideas up and running.

During her remarks, Secretary Pritzker highlighted the deep and growing commercial partnership between our two countries; the vital importance of the U.S.-Mexico border to our bilateral economic ties; and the need for action to spur North American competitiveness in the increasingly globalized economy of the 21st century.