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As “America’s Data Agency,” the Commerce Department today released a new report drawing on evidence from 10 federal data sets to show that a pay premium exists for workers in manufacturing industries. The report by the Economics and Statistics Administration’s Office of the Chief Economist rebuts criticisms about the existence of a manufacturing pay premium, and based on the evidence, clearly...


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“The rumors of the demise of the U.S. manufacturing industry are greatly exaggerated.” Elon Musk. Elon Musk was probably trying to be clever when he made that quip about American manufacturing. But, that play on Mark Twain’s famous quote only tells half the story. Not only are the rumors of U.S. manufacturing’s demise exaggerated, they are currently a complete fiction.


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U.S. factories do their part to keep the U.S. economy humming. Did you know that manufacturing accounts for 12 percent of overall U.S. economic activity as measured by Gross Domestic Product? The Bureau of Economic Analysis produces a slew of economic statistics on how manufacturing and other U.S. industries are performing and impact the economy. Given that Oct.


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