• BIS final rule, Export Administration Regulations: Removal of Special Comprehensive License Provisions, effective 9/25/15

  • BIS publishes technical corrections rule "Implementation of the Australia Group (AG) November 2013 Intersessional Decisions; Correction."

  • BIS Denies Export Privileges of Multiple Parties in Conspiracy to Ship Web Monitory Equipment to Syria

  • New Cuba Rule: Enhancing Support for the Cuban People

  • Register Now

  • Addition of Certain Persons to the Entity List

  • South Carolina Company, Affiliates and Officers Fined $3.5 Million for Illegal Exports to Multiple Countries

  • Russian Sanctions: Addition to the Entity List to Prevent Violations of Russian Industry Sector Sanctions.

  • Addition of Certain Persons to the Entity List; and Removal of Certain Persons from the Entity List Based on Removal Requests.

  • Iranian Company Pleads Guilty to U.S. Export Violation

  • BIS publishes proposed rule "Commerce Control List: Addition of Items Determined to No Longer Warrant Control under United States Munitions List Category XIV (Toxicological Agents) or Category XVIII (Directed Energy Weapons)."

  • BIS publishes final rule "Implementation of the Australia Group (AG) November 2013 Intersessional Decisions."

  • Policy Guidance/FAQs/Proposed rule on Intrusion and Surveillance Items

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November 2-4, 2015, Washington, DC

washington dcNovember 2-4, 2015, Annual Update Conference on Export Controls and Policy


The annual Update Conference on Export Controls and Policy gives the exporting community the opportunity to learn first-hand from senior U.S. Government officials about current issues and trends in export control policies, regulations and practices. This major outreach activity draws business and government representatives from around the world to learn and exchange ideas about export control issues. It provides the opportunity to network with colleagues in the export control industry, interact with U.S. Government officials, and learn about programs and services offered by U.S. Government and industry exhibitors. It is one of the Department’s most notable international trade events. 

Exhibit opportunities are available. The exhibit hall will be open during the entire conference: on Monday, November 2 and Tuesday, November 3 from 7:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m., and on Wednesday, November 4 from 7:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. 

Update will be held at the Washington Hilton Hotel in Washington, D.C. Once you have completed the registration process, you will receive your confirmation receipt. Your confirmation will include a link to complete room registrations at the Washington Hilton Hotel. 

For additional information on Update 2015, you may contact the Outreach and Educational Services Division at uThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ; or (202) 482-6031.


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