National Confidential Inquiry into Suicide and Homicide by People with Mental Illness in the Centre for Mental Health and Safety at the University of Manchester

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  1. Retweeted

    The NHS mandate in brief

    Txertatutako irudiaren behin betiko esteka
  2. Retweeted

    Yes but with 1st week peak. Link to excellent 2005 paper by our Danish register collaborators:

  3. Retweeted

    Comedian Jo Brand is to receive a City University honorary doctorate for raising mental health awareness

  4. 12% suicides took place within a week of discharge, 43% within a month and 72% within 2 months

  5. 55% of suicides occurred within a week of discharge, 49% of whom died before their first follow-up appt.

  6. In the news: is target setting right for ?

  7. Do you want to know more about methodology? See our FAQ page on our website

  8. In the news: why the of hurts

  9. In the news today: rates of in young girls aged 15-19 worldwide

  10. Copies of our data slides can be downloaded from our website

  11. Want to remain up to date with ongoing projects ? Take a look at our website

  12. Family & carers support essential for patients in

  13. In the news: calls for more training for NHS staff to identify and help those at risk

  14. Retweeted

    A special event for people bereaved by suicide on Sat 27 Feb 10.30am at St Martin-in-the-Field, London. Pls retweet.

    Txertatutako irudiaren behin betiko esteka
  15. Closer working with families would have safety benefits

  16. Retweeted

    More family time for prisoners can help reduce re-offending - and our still-rising prison suicide rate.

  17. Retweeted

    Fifteen lowest rates in England are all in SE, only 3 areas in North in lowest 50: LA rates via .

  18. Retweeted

    Highest suicide rate in England now in my birthplace Middlesbrough, over 3x lowest rate, in Harrow: figs .

  19. Quality & safe care of patients important in , see our 2015 Annual Report

  20. Retweeted

    227 patients died detained under MHAct last yr, raising more q's about which deaths are investigated. Report today.

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