An Official
Website of the
Sailing Federation
Rio 2016
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days to go
The Official International Sailing Federation Olympic Games Website
RIO 2016


With 380 athletes competitng in over 270 boats in ten events across six race course areas, running the racing at the Olympic Sailing Compeition is a highly skilled operation.

A team of International Technical Officers will be appointed by ISAF to oversee the competition. They will work with the National Technical Officers and volunteers selected by Rio 2016. The selection of the ISAF team began in 2013, and since then they have taken every opportunity to pefect their skills and develop their teams.

The ISAF team is composed of four elements: the Technical Delegates, the ISAF Race Management Team, the ISAF International Jury and the ISAF Equipment Inspection Team.

The 2016 team will represent a large number of nations and includes the following experts:

  • Equipment inspectors - ensuring all equipment is within the rules of the class and the competition
  • International Judges - making decisions on rules questions and applying penalties when necessary
  • International Race Officers - ensuring all races are run fairly and within the rules of the competition
  • International Umpires - making on the water penalty decisions

All Chief ITO's have been announced and can be read here, the final ITO team will be announced by ISAF in September 2015.

  • London 2012
  • Overall
Medal Tally
Medal Tally
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