Flying Nick takes UK Superstock Crown 

Flying Panther takes 2015 title

Going in to the final round of racing in Bournemouth this weekend (12-13 September) with a 16 point lead at the top of the SuperStock championship, Nick Williams and Martin Robinson in the Flying Panther boat did what they had to do to take the 2015 title ahead of their season-long rival Pertemps Network.  

It was a case of ‘like father, like son’ as driver Nick Williams emulated his father Tony by becoming a race champion, doing enough in the weekend’s four races in brutal sea conditions to maintain his number one position.  

“We went in to the weekend realising that to finish first, first you need to finish and that is exactly what we did” said an emotional Williams. “We are battered and bruised and overwhelmed”.  

In his fourth season of SuperStock racing which has seen him battling with the wily John Wilson, Williams has achieved his ambition of being crowned national champion. The Buckinghamshire duo of Williams and Martin Robinson went in to the final race of the season knowing that all they needed to do was complete the race to stay ahead of Wilson and Daisy Coleman in the Pertemps Network boat.  

Wilson and Coleman once again excelled in the rough waters that they revel in, recording three wins across the weekend to win the final round and finish second in the championship.  

The severe seas took their toll on the P1 fleet, putting paid to any hopes GD Environmental had of retaining their UK title.  The Welsh pairing of Norvill and Parsons-Young will now focus their efforts on retaining their USA championship crown where they currently lead the series with one round remaining.  

But Welsh fans had much to cheer as they saw the Visit Wales boat finish third in Bournemouth to lift them to third overall in the championship. With his daughter Jade alongside him in the cockpit, driver Vince Berridge said:  “It’s been an up and down season, but it’s ended on a great note. Finishing third in the championship is way beyond our expectations”.    

The champions will be recognised at the P1 Annual Awards dinner in London on 14 November.  

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Article Published: September 14, 2015 14:49


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