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(Greetings from The On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences!)

Contributing a New Sequence or a Comment on an Existing Sequence to
The On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences


Thousands of people use the sequence database every day.
Please take great care that the terms you send are absolutely correct.
The standards are those of a mathematics reference work.

Since this is a scientific database, anonymous submissions cannot be accepted. You must request an account and log in before you can contribute a new sequence or edit an existing one. Your email address will be disguised before it appears in the entry, and we plan to remove email addresses entirely from public view as part of a future upgrade to the system.

Please choose one of the following options:

1. Contribute a new sequence to the OEIS

Use this to contribute a sequence that is not at present in the OEIS.
This is for submitting an unnumbered sequence; it will automatically be assigned an A-number.

If you would like to submit a collection of sequences that refer to each other, you can allocate the A-numbers first and then edit the sequences as if they were existing sequences.

2. Edit the entry for an existing sequence in the OEIS

To add to or make changes to an existing entry for a sequence, log in (if you haven't already) and then visit that sequence's web page.

Next to the sequence data you will see a link named “edit,” which you can click to submit changes or additions.

If someone else has already made changes that are not yet published, you will see a link named “draft edits,” which will take you to the most recent draft of the sequence. From that page you can click “edit” to make more changes.

3. Sending in a b-file or other file to be associated with a sequence in the OEIS

If you have more terms than will fit on three lines, you should consider sending them in the form of a b-file.

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Content is available under The OEIS End-User License Agreement .

Last modified September 11 02:29 EDT 2015. Contains 261512 sequences.