Learn to Sail (Single Handed) 

Duration: 2 Days

Time: 0915-1700

Course Aim: RYA Start Sailing (L1)

Minimum Standard: None

Minimum Age: 14yrs

This two day introduction to single handed sailing is perfect for anyone thinking about learning to sail, the course follows the RYA syllabus and provide you with lots of time on the water to develop your sailing skills, all under the watchful eye of our fully qualified RYA instructor

You won’t learn everything in a weekend, but you will learn the basics and get a good sense of achievement from being able to helm your own boat.

During the weekend you will become familiar with all aspects of dinghy sailing; tacking, gybing and helming on all points of sail. As you will be sailing solo, you’ll get to grips with the basics pretty quicky. We’ll introduce you to some relevant theory topics including basic weather, tides, safety and capsize routines as we go along.

We usually use RS Qba, Topper and RS Feva dinghies for this course and will follow the RYA syllabus ‘Start Sailing’ as outlined in the G4 RYA National Sailing Scheme logbook.

This course is suitable for anyone who is looking for a safe and enjoyable introduction to sailing. If you have never sailed before or are looking for a refresher course because your last sail feels like a long time ago, then this is the course for you.

Kit and Clothing

Plas Menai provides all necessary kit, equipment and personal protective clothing including wetsuits, buoyancy aids, cagoules and waterproofs, however you are very welcome to bring your own if you wish.



This course is Non-Residential. If you would like to book as a resident, please add the two night residential package under ‘Optional Extras’ when booking. The residential package includes two nights’ accommodation and full board for the duration of your stay.