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10 October 2005, 11:39 am
Record Time Set By Skandia
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Barcolana 2005
Trieste, Italy

Barcolana 37 has been the fastest in racing history with the winner setting the record time of 58 minutes and 20 seconds in Trieste, Italy. Trieste, Provincia di… (internationally known as Skandia), the maxi yacht with Lorenzo BRESSANI at the helm and Furio BENUSSI as tactician, cut down the record set by Cometa in 2001 by 16 minutes and 40 seconds on the 17 mile triangular course.

Trieste, Provincia di… won out in the most crowded fleet race in the world, beating Slovenia's Maxi Jena, with Mitja KOSMINA at the helm, and Shining with helmsman Lorenzo BODINI. The race was characterized by a strong Bora wind with gusts between 30 and 35 knots at the start (it later calmed down a little to 20 knots) and by the usual huge participation of 1,725 boats at the start of this sea festival which takes place every second Sunday of October and attracts many sailing enthusiasts to Trieste.

It has definitely been one of the best and most technical regattas over the last ten years with a strong wind which forced the Organizing Committee of the Società Velica di Barcola e Grignano to exclude the 'Passere' category from the competition. They are small boats entirely built in wood which would not have been able to cope with strong gusts of wind.

The race started after the traditional three gun shots at the start line offshore Barcola at 1000 hours local time sharp. The favourite Trieste, Provincia di… took the lead straight away hoisting the gennaker with a brave and technically perfect manoeuvre and thus leaving her opponents behind, in particular Maxi Jena. The crew consisting of mostly Triestine sailors gained half a mile in the first three minutes of race. An advantage which was already clear after half of the first leg sailed close hauled.

Behind came the Slovenians of Maxi Jena who tried to catch up hoisting different fore sails, and other large yachts such as Shining, Esimit, the historic Veliki Viharnik and Cometa.

The rest of the fleet scattered across the Gulf in about 20 minutes on the first lap providing almost 200 thousand spectators, located on the many strategic viewpoints along the coast, with a wonderful sight, one of the best over the last few years.

While small boats where reaching the first buoy, Trieste Provincia di …had already crossed the finish line in record time, after leaving the Slovenian rival more than 1 km behind on the second leg. After Maxi Jena another Triestine helmsman BODINI on Shining crossed the finish line third.

'We sailed a perfect race,' said BRESSANI, helmsman of Trieste, Provincia di… a few minutes after crossing the line, clinching a fourth personal victory at the Barcolana. 'We did our best - he continued - with fighting spirit from the very beginning when we hoisted the gennaker at once. It enabled us to gain a good advantage on the rivals which grew throughout the race.'

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