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24 October 2005, 12:16 pm
US SAILING Presents Awards At AGM
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Phoenix, Arizona, USA

US SAILING has awarded its Nathanael G. Herreshoff Trophy to Larry WHITE for his outstanding contribution to the sport of sailing in the USA. Several other awards were also presented, including the Gay S. Lynn Trophy for outstanding contribution to disabled sailing, awarded to Gene HINKEL, and the Timmy Larr Award for outstanding contribution to the advancement of sailor education and training awarded to Jo MOGLE.
US SAILING President Janet BAXTER presented the awards at a banquet at US SAILING's Annual General Meeting in Phoenix, Arizona on Friday evening.

Nathanael G. Herreshoff Trophy

WHITE is the immediate past President of the Interscholastic Sailing Association (ISSA High School Sailing) and was presented with US SAILING's most prestigious award to a standing ovation.

WHITE has been a sailor and sailing volunteer for many years, but he is perhaps most known for his very successful 15 year presidency of the ISSA, a responsibility from which he stepped down earlier this fall. As ISSA's tenth President, the growth of school sailing went to full bore, from a handful of schools in New England to seven organized and active national districts nationwide. The nation was modelled after the collegiate version and booklets were produced to provide information on creating school sailing programs.

'The remarkable expansion nationally, to the current membership of over 400 schools and 5,000 members in seven districts including schools in Hawaii and St. Thomas, is completely due to Larry's vision and leadership,' said the US SAILING committee that nominated WHITE for the award. 'Not only has he worked incessantly, but he has consistently inspired others to help implement his vision.'

WHITE's influence on the development of high school sailing in the USA is not the only reason why he was nominated for the Herreshoff Trophy. He has fulfilled numerous other roles in the sport, including, but certainly not limited to, various roles as a US SAILING volunteer (Vice President from 1989-1990; Board of Directors 1978-1988, 1999-2000; Yacht Racing Council Chair 1987-1988; Race Management Committee 1985-1990, chairman 1989-1990; Race Administration Committee 1989-1990; Training Committee 1991; Inshore Committee 1994 to present, chair 1999-2000; and he is currently an ISAF International Judge); as well as numerous roles at other sailing organizations such as the Severn Sailing Association (Annapolis, Md.), Snipe Class International Racing Association, U.S. Coast Guard Academy (Kingston, N.Y.), U.S. International 420 Association, and much more.

Gay S. Lynn Trophy

HINKEL was presented with the Gay S. Lynn Trophy for outstanding contribution to disabled sailors and the sport of disabled sailing. Dedicated to the welfare and success of not only disabled sailing but also of individual sailors, HINKEL has been involved with disabled sailing for many years. His driving concern and mission are fair play and safety for all sailors. As a result, he has assisted them in many ways.

He has run events for novice and severely disabled sailors in Access Dinghies, been involved with blind sailing and, perhaps most importantly, he has designed, developed and delivered adaptive aids for sailors around the world. His innovations in seating and other adaptive aids have meant that sailors could improve their performance in boats with increased safety. Additionally, as a member of the Technical Committee of the International Foundation for Disabled Sailing (IFDS), HINKEL has travelled to numerous World Championships as well as to the Paralympic Games in Sydney and Athens to serve as measurer. HINKEL's service to the sport of disabled sailing, at the grass roots and at the international levels, made him a very worthy recipient of the Gay S. Lynn Trophy.

Timothea Larr Award

MOGLE a lifelong supporter of boating safety through education and training, has received US SAILING's Timothea Larr Award for her lifelong commitment to standardized quality sailing education. The award is the US SAILING Training Committee's highest honour, presented annually to an individual whose vision and guidance has made an outstanding contribution to the advancement of sailor and education and training in the USA.

MOGLE exemplifies the best qualities, the highest standards and selfless devotion in her lifetime service to public service and boating education in general and specifically to US SAILING's efforts to train sailors for safety and excellence. Her belief that no sailing instructor should lack a template for best practices in sailor education and training led her to her current role as the Training Committee's Vice Chair for Standards and Credentials and liaison to several national boating organizations, including the National Safe Boating Council and National Association of State Boating Law Administrators (NASBLA). A Small Boat Instructor Trainer and Keelboat Instructor as well as Regional Training Coordinator, she has visited and supported many courses nationwide, providing support and oversight and to continue to drive the culture of quality training forward. Her evaluation feedback reports are legendary and her work has become the gold standard of US SAILING's quality control efforts.

Marlieke de Lange Eaton (As Amended By ISAF). Image, US SAILING President Janet BAXTER (left) and ISSA President Tim HOGAN (right) present Larry WHITE (centre) with the Herreshoff Trophy:© US SAILING
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