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27 January 2004, 09:20 am
Sailors Looking In Fine Form
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Action In Dubai

Dubai International Sailing Week

Kicking off the fifth edition of the Dubai International Sailing Week Regatta on Sunday, the Dubai International Marine Club witnessed 30 competitors from the Laser 4.7 category and 63 from the Optimist take to the waters off the coast of Mina Seyahi.
Positions were hard earned for the young competitors with separate categories going to the Junior, Senior and Female category in the Optimist division. In the Laser 4.7, prizes and positions were equally hard come by with a tough line up of competitors which included the Overall Category and the Female Category.

Speaking after the first of what will be 5 race days, Managing Director for DIMC said. "Although the conditions were not enough to do all 3 races in the Optimist category, strong winds in the morning made for some great races, so all the competitors seem to have enjoyed themselves." For UAE home team, Hareb is pleased with today's results and has high hopes for tomorrow. "They had a great race and I am proud of the UAE team. We are leading in the Arabic division so we hope to make a stronger showing tomorrow."

In the Laser Overall 4.7 category, South Africa's Justin ONVLEE proved fastest to the finish line in all three races, cementing him as winner for Sunday's Duboats sponsored race. "During the first two races there was a lot of wind so I think that gave me the advantage as I am heavier. For the third race the win was more down to tactics. As the conditions had died down to 5 knots I was struggling in 3rd until the windward mark, after that I managed to get in the lead and just stayed put." said an obviously ecstatic Justin. Looking to tomorrow's race, the 15 year old who has been sailing for 5 years is hoping for the advantage of strong winds again. Helmed home to second, another South African Aaron LARKENS came in ahead of Charlie HILL of Bahrain to leave Ahmed SHAHEIN from the UAE in fourth place overall with his first, fifth and third place finishes.

In the Laser 4.7 Female category, strongest showing went to Egypt's Dina Ahmed RAMADAN after her impressive seventh, ninth and 16 place finishes giving her the top spot on the podium in this category and tenth position overall. Second with an two elevenths and a 21 was Maha MORSEY ahead of Shamsa DASMAL from the UAE.

In the Optimist Overall category, Netherlands Gijs PELT made a great start to win in both races and clinch the first place on the podium. Lying in second place after taking two second places, William CAMILLERI from Malta showed great staying power to leave third place on the podium to Italy's Sergio RACCO. In fourth place was another Italian, Filipo ROCHINI.

In the Optimist Female category, Italy's Beatrice De REGIS took home the first place honors after a sixth and a 12 place finish which also gave her a very commendable fifth place overall. In second place it was Karina VANELOVA from Bulgaria with. Third place went to Rasha RAGAB from Egypt .

Optimist Junior category, and it was Alexandre Massard with an 18 and a 13 place finish in the rraces that gave him first place in this category and 13 place overall. Second place went to Kevin PEET from the Netherlands with 26 and 23 finishes and 26 place overall.

Full results are available on the event website at the address below.
Event Media (As Amended By ISAF News Editor)
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