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5 March 2002, 12:28 pm
Pyewacket Dominates Big Boats
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St. Maarten Heineken Regatta

Roy Disney's Reichel-Pugh 75 Pyewacket took four bullets in the Big Boat class during the 'serious fun' of the 22nd annual St. Maarten Heineken Regatta.

She also won the first leg of the Caribbean Big Boat Series trophy and the Best Elapsed Time award in the spinnaker division of the Around the Island race.

While Heineken Beer is the primary sponsor, the St. Maarten Yacht Club actually hosts the event.

Wind conditions for the three day, four race event started out moderate (14-18 knots) on Friday, and ended up heavy (18-24, with 30 knot gusts) on Sunday. Sea conditions were moderate in the lee of Dutch St. Maarten and rough off Grand Case, French St. Martin.

The increase in wind strength created a few minor problems on the course. Two St. Maarten Melges 24s, Island Water World and Slam, were dismasted and there was a collision involving a Dutch boat named Water World which resulted in the bowman being catapulted overboard. (Luckily, no injuries).

Donnybrook had a tough time off Tintamarre island on Saturday. She shredded two chutes in the gusty tradewinds conditions until the third kite finally held.

The Racing One class was particularly tight, with only two seconds determining the winner of Sunday's race and the winner of the overall trophy.

The order of finish in the Big Boat Class and the Caribbean Big Boat Series was Pyewacket, Tom Hill's Andrew 70 Titan, and Bill Alcott's Santa Cruz 70 Equation.

The Scotiabank's Tallships Parade was won by Sir Robert Baden Powell.

The Worthiest Performing Boat of the Regatta was won by All-in Liften, who "most convincingly won the most competitive class."

The Bareboat fleet winner of the Columbus Cup was

The Cruising/Racing winner of the Heineken Cup was White Lie

The Cruising winner of the NTG Cup was Volador.

The ECC Cup for the fastest multihull Around the Island was won by Paragon.

The SHTA Cup for the fastest spinnaker Around the Island was won by Pyewacket.

The Shell Cup for the fastest non-spinnaker Around the Island race was won by Volador.

Results of the 2002 St. Maarten Heineken Regatta

Big Boat: Pyewacket, Titan, Equation

Racing 1: Neva, Caccia alla Volpe, Nova

Racing 2: Garbo, Twisted Lizard, Slam

Cruising/Racing 1: White Lie, Spirit of Diane, Exit

Cruising/Racing 2: Dame Blanche, Vanish, Hugo

Cruising/Racing 3: Hullabulloo-Conch, Flechette, Tango Mike

Cruising/Racing 4: Asturias, Balance, The Euretco Racer

Cruising 1: Volador, Antwerp Sailing Team, Wildflower

Open Class: Columbia, Blue Spirit, De Berenboot

Multihull: Water Music, Triple Jack, Plantation Furniture

Bareboat 1:, All Chiefs, Dutch Oven

Bareboat 2: IBM, Enos, MicronClean

Bareboat 3: All-in Liften, Diff Management, Royal Bank of T&T

Bareboat 4: Elee, Carnival, Ne Oublie Voyager

Bareboat 5: Bulldog Energy, CDA, Ghelamco

Bareboat 6: Sirocco, Hartech, Mapa
St Maarten Heineken Regatta Press/News Editor
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