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23 March 2002, 08:56 pm
Davis, Holmberg, Gram-Hansen Through to Semi Finals
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Davis beats Holmberg

Steinlager Line 7 Cup

The quarter-finals really produced the excitement of the day, with so many cliff-hanger matches it is impossible to choose a match of the day, though probably the skipper of the day is Denmark's Jes Gram-Hansen.
The young Dane, the only non-America's Cup skipper to make the quarter-finals, scraped his way into the semis after a come from behind win in the third and deciding race against Luc Pillot of France.

Gram-Hansen and his crew came off the starting line behind Pillot, and with two penalties against him, he took one immediately, then set out to catch and overtake his opponent, and opened up a big enough gap to take his second turn, and grab victory from the jaws of defeat.

An elated Gram-Hansen said,
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