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Sailing Federation
16 March 2002, 12:27 pm
Missing Pin
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Jules Verne Trophy

Providential man of the night, it was Phillipe Peche who found the missing pin on one of the boats' nets. An eventful night for this Australian by adoption visibly delighted to be part of this new adventure. His entry in the log book:
I made a strange discovery last night! Normally we frequently find flying fish on the boat's net, but this time it was a metal pin. We have a spare on board, but nobody had been at the store, which could only mean that it had fallen from the mainsail headboard at the top of the mast.

We are, as ever, very attentive about how the boat is trimmed...We do a check up about every half an hour. We look everywhere to optimise performance, and once per watch we look to see if there aren't any big surprises, anything broken...Last night we acted very quickly to put everything back in order.
Orange Press/News Editor
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