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29 September 2001, 12:41 pm
Wolfgang Hunger / Holger Jess - 2001 505 World Champions
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505 World Championship

The last race of the Quebramar - 505 World Championship was cancelled, and the germans Wolfgang Hunger/Holger Jess are the new world champions.
Although the wind didn't blow in their favor, the races were nevertheless quite competitive, with a 7 variety of leaders in each of the seven races sailed. Alvaro Marinho and Tiago Marcelino defended well the Portuguese national colors and terminated the Championship in the 18th position overall in a totally new class for these sailors. Afonso Domingos and Henrique Anjos proved with their 8th and 6th positions in the first and third races, that they too, were able to compete among the best 505 sailors in the world, ending the championship in 26th overall.

The rain, the total lack of visibility and the constant change of the wind's direction stood as grounds for the race committee to nullify the final race of the 505 Quebramar World Championship. Therefore, the overall standings were unaltered and the German team, Wolfgang Hunger / Holger Jess stand as winner and retainer of the 2001 505 World Championship title: "We are, undoubtedly, very satisfied, especially since it is the first time a German team attains the world title. The Championship ran well. We managed a victory and where quite regular in the rest, permitting us a 10 point advantage to the second positioned", remarked Wolfgang Hunger, who, with his crew, Holger Jess, became the first ever German Team to win a 505 dingy World Championship title.

Initially, Portugal was represented by 5 teams, but due to boat troubles, Pedro Rebelo de Andrade/Vicente Pinheiro de Melo and Jose Bello / Jorge Ferlov were forced to withdraw prematurely. The task of a national defense was left up to Afonso Domingos / Henrique Anjos, Alvaro Marinho / Tiago Marcelino and Mario Matos Rosa / Pedro Bello Vozone.Álvaro Marinho / Tiago Marcelino were the best Portuguese classification, ending the 5050 Quebramar World Championship in the 18th position overall: "We started this championship with quite a few handicaps. First of them being a completely new class for us in which we had never sailed before, and second, having never sailed with my crew, Tiago Marcelino. We may have not attained a very good result, but we were quite regular and ending in the 18th position was well above our expectations", remarked Alvaro Marinho.

Afonso Domingos / Henrique Anjos ended in the 26th overall position, while Mario Matos Rosa / Pedro Bello Vozone were 87th overall among 105 enrolled teams.

Final Classification of the 505 dinghy Quebramar World Championship:

1st Wolfgang Hunger/ Holger Jess (Germany), 22 pts; 2nd Ian Pinnell/ Tim Hancock (Great Britain), 32 pts; 3rd Krister Bergstrom/ Thomas Moss (Suecia), 33 pts; 4th Daniel Thompson/ Andrew Zinn (USA), 38 pts; 5th Howard Hamlin/ Mike Martin (USA), 42 pts...18th Álvaro Marinho/ Tiago Marcelino (Portugal), 117 pts...26th Afonso Domingos/ Henrique Anjos (Portugal), 141 pts...87th Mário Matos Rosa/ Pedro Vozone (Portugal), 498 pts...

505 Worlds Press/News Editor
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