Sailor being hoisted into dinghy

RYA Safeguarding Vulnerable Adults Policy and Guidelines 

These new guidelines can be downloaded and adapted to meet the requirements of your organisation.

The Guidelines document is intended to assist you with drawing up your own organisation's Policy and Procedures.  There is a sample  policy which covers the essential points, you can then add the sections and template documents relevant to your organisation.

This is the first time the RYA has produced separate guidelines on safeguarding vulnerable adults.  They will be reviewed at the end of 2015.  We would welcome your feedback on how useful you found them and whether there are areas where you would like more information.  Please send any comments to the RYA's Safeguarding and Equality Manager, Jackie Reid, at  

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Article Published: March 31, 2015 10:34

Article Updated: March 31, 2015 12:35


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