Farr 30 European Circuit 2015

Dear Farr 30 friends,

The class is evolving and 2015 it is time to once again introduce a European circuit. This is a direct result of the German fleet getting bigger and together with the strong Swedish fleet join forces to compete on European level! Follow the following link or click the image below: Farr 30 European circuit

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Worlds 2015 - New Dates!


Farr 30 Worlds 2015 will take place at the Corinthian Yacht Club Seattle, WA on October 10-17, 2015. We are still waiting for the Notice of Race - but for now, save the dates and get ready to rock!

Oct 10-11 - Pre worlds racing
Oct 12-13 - Measurement
Oct 14-17 - World Championship racing
Tuesday night - Welcome dinner
Saturday night - Awards Party


World Championship 2015


Farr 30 Worlds 2015 will take place at the Corinthian Yacht Club Seattle, WA on October 10-17, 2015. We are still waiting for the Notice of Race - but for now, save the dates and get ready to rock!

Oct 10-11 - Pre worlds racing
Oct 12-13 - Measurement
Oct 14-17 - World Championship racing
Tuesday night - Welcome dinner
Saturday night - Awards Party


Interview with David Chapman - Topas tactician

COPENHAGEN, DENMARK - August 30, 2014 - While the boats were packing up, we managed to get this interview with David Chapman (DC), tactician on the new World Champion, Topas.

- David, congratulations on the title! Although Topas is almost always up there fighting, I think we saw a new Topas this event with very good speed and consistency almost at all times. What put you in the winning lane?

DC: "Well, after the 2013 Worlds in Newport, the team were a little disappointed with 6th, many times we had good position but our speed was not great, I got a phone call from Harald while I was in Sydney for my summer in March. He asked me if I would join the team again for the 3rd time. I said to Harald that he could be World Champion if he lets me make some position changes on the boat! Harald was very excited about this idea and so I made some plans to win the 2014 Worlds...

Step 1 - Improve upwind speed, Sea Biscuit was the fastest boat at the Newport Worlds so I stole Dave Scott & he agreed to join us.
Step 2 - Light jib not L/M
Step 3 - Hike Harder!

Going into the regatta, I was concerned with Martin at Matrisen & Happy Yachting with Orca and Triple P as dark horses... I think Martin was very nervous and he had trouble the whole regatta with starting, this allowed us to start ahead of him & he very rarely got past. With all credit to Martin & his crew they never gave up & pushed us all the way!

To my team - I think we hiked the hardest and left everything on the race course! I was very sick during the regatta, which meant I wasn't much fun to sail with but the boys trusted me and it all worked very well. I am extremely proud!

Lastly - it was great to sail with Harald who has given so much to the class! He loves this class so much! His goal was top 3 and now he is World Champion! I told the team at the start of the year that it's the Germans' year. Football of course lastly for me since I'm from Sydney, but my first overseas experience was in Copenhagen, which made this a very special regatta for me. I have been to KDY since 2004 and the Scandinavian people are just the best!"


Full results here

All races can be replayed here


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