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11 August 2002, 04:34 pm
Allen (AUS) and Staszewska (POL) Win
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Sam Ireland (CAN)

Era PWA Formula Windsurfing World Cup

Steve Allen (AUS) and Dorota Staszewska (POL) have won the Era PWA Formula Windsurfing World Cup that concluded on Saturday in Leba, Poland.

Micah Buzianis (USA) overtook Wojtek Brzozowski (POL) in his home country on the final day of racing to take second position overall. Current World and European Champion Kevin Pritchard (USA) finished an uncustomary 5th position overall.

In the women's racing Lucy Horwood (GBR) took a win from Dorota in the last race, as Verena Fauster (ITA) had in race nine. These two were the only racers able to push Dorota at all, who has been dominating the Formula Racing scene since it began to take off in the year 2000. Lucy took second here overall, and Verena third.


1 AUS-0 Allen Steve 21,2 pts 14,0x 16,0x 9,0x 0,7 0,7 0,7 0,7 5,0 0,7 8,0 2,0 2,0 0,7

2 US-34 Buzianis Micah 33,3 pts 19,0x 2,0 5,0 2,0 6,0x 16,0x 3,0 3,0 6,0 5,0 3,0 0,7 3,6

3 POL-10 Brzozowski Wojtek 47,7 pts 2,0 0,7 3,0 8,0 5,0 4,0 29,0x 21,0x 4,0 2,0 6,0 36,0x 13,0

4 F-192 Albeau Antoine 54,1 pts 12,0 7,0 0,7 3,0 21,0x RAFx 19,0x 2,0 14,0 0,7 0,7 3,0 11,0

5 US-3 Pritchard Kevin 66,0 pts 9,0 5,0 7,0 5,0 3,0 30,0x 7,0 8,0 8,0 3,0 19,0x 11,0 21,0x

6 GBR-83 Williams Ross 72,0 pts 10,0 17,0 2,0 DNFx 7,0 2,0 10,0 20,0x 2,0 15,0 26,0x 5,0 2,0

7 DEN-173 Rögild Brian 76,0 pts 24,0x 11,0 28,0x 7,0 2,0 5,0 2,0 6,0 19,0 28,0x 8,0 10,0 6,0

8 GBR-5 Lever Jamie 77,0 pts 5,0 3,0 19,0x DSQx 13,0 15,0 4,0 4,0 5,0 13,0 5,0 BFDx 10,0

9 KC-1 Ireland Sam 86,7 pts 0,7 14,0 10,0 21,0x 9,0 10,0 12,0 10,0 15,0x 12,0 17,0x 6,0 3,0

10 POL-127 Miarczynski Jarek 88,0 pts 4,0 15,0x 8,0 14,0x 4,0 6,0 11,0 19,0x 13,0 11,0 13,0 4,0 14,0


1 POL-1 Staszewska Dorota 6,3 pts 0,7 0,7 0,7 RAFx 0,7 0,7 0,7 0,7 3,0x 0,7 0,7 2,0x

2 GBR-95 Horwood Lucy 16,7 pts 2,0 2,0 3,0x 3,0x 2,0 2,0 2,0 3,0x 2,0 2,0 2,0 0,7

3 ITA-31 Fauster Verena 22,7 pts 3,0 3,0 2,0 2,0 5,0x 4,0x 4,0 2,0 0,7 3,0 7,0x 3,0

4 AUT-88 Germany Margit 31,7 pts 6,0x 5,0x 4,0 0,7 3,0 5,0x 3,0 5,0 5,0 4,0 3,0 4,0

5 RUS-8a Malysheva Olga 43,0 pts 4,0 6,0x 5,0 4,0 DSQx 3,0 5,0 6,0 7,0x 6,0 5,0 5,0

6 NC-6 Hebert Sarah 48,0 pts 5,0 9,0x 8,0x 6,0 4,0 7,0 7,0 4,0 4,0 5,0 6,0 DNFx

7 POL-12 Hlavaty Marta 49,0 pts 7,0x 4,0 6,0 5,0 6,0 6,0 6,0 7,0x 6,0 7,0x 4,0 6,0

8 POL-1381 Rudzinska Jozefina 73,0 pts DNFx 7,0 7,0 7,0 7,0 8,0 8,0 9,0 DNFx DNFx DNF 7,0

9 POL-2047 Wegrzynek Anna 75,0 pts DNFx 8,0 10,0 8,0 8,0 DNFx DNFx 8,0 8,0 9,0 8,0 8,0

10 POL-214 Majkowska Anita 92,0 pts DNFx 10,0 9,0 9,0 DNFx DNFx DNF 10,0 10,0 DNF 9,0 9,0

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