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21 November 2001, 10:20 am
Overview Report on Key Decisions
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Jacques Rogge & Paul Henderson

ISAF Annual Conference 2001

Saturday 17 November saw the close of the 2001 ISAF November Conference with the ISAF Council wrapping up its business, having considered nearly 200 recommendations on the formal submissions and other agenda issues.
Committee meetings were held in the first days of the Conference with their recommendations put to Council for their meeting on 16-17 November 2001.

ISAF Rolex World Sailor of the Year Awards 2001 - Ellen MacArthur (GBR) and Robert Scheidt (BRA)
The evening of 13 November 2001 and the prestigious ISAF Rolex World Sailor Awards presentation, saw the announcement of the male and female sailors who claimed the 2001 title. Hosted by the 1996 Olympic Gold Medallist in the Finn Class and ISAF World Sailor of the Year 1999, Mateusz Kusznierewicz (POL), the evening was attended by more than four hundred guests, including the President of the Portuguese Republic and President of the International Olympic Committee - Dr Jacques Rogge.

Ellen MacArthur took the female title in recognition of her extraordinary successes in the 2000-2001 Vendée Globe single-handed circumnavigation, to become the fastest single-handed female circumnavigator (second fastest sailor ever), completing the Vendée on her Open 60 "Kingfisher" in 94 days, having sailed 25,780 nautical miles, breaking the previous record by just over 30 days. Ellen was not able to be at the ISAF Rolex World Sailor Awards Presentation as at the time she was racing on "Foncia-Kingfisher" in the Transat Jaques Vabre, but via a live telephone link-up from the presentation to the boat Ellen expressed her delight at taking the title.

The IOC President, Jacques Rogge, presented the renowned Brazilian Laser sailor, Robert Scheidt with the male award in recognition of his domination of the Laser Class over the years to such an extent that any sailor would be hard pushed to match across any other class. He won his fifth Laser World Championship title in 2001 (1995, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2001), alongside bullets at other major championships during the year, including the Central and South American Championships. These successes add to his collection of Olympic Medals, a Gold in 1996 and Silver in 2000.

Both sailors were presented with a Rolex Yachtmaster chronometer and ISAF Rolex World Sailor of the Year Award Trophy.

ISAF Volunteer of the Year - Alain Alcindor (SEY)
Alain Alcindor of the Seychelles was announced as the ISAF Volunteer of the Year at a special breakfast presentation on 14 November 2001, attended by the IOC President, Jacques Rogge and ISAF Council Members.

Alain received the title in recognition of his support and development to the sport of sailing in the Seychelles, in which he has been instrumental across all levels.

On presenting Alain with the official award, Jacques Rogge said: "It is a special privilege for me to be with ISAF and present this Award. Volunteerism is the essence of sports, without which there would be no grass roots."

ISAF Beppe Croce Trophy - Peter Siemsen (BRA)
Peter Siemsen of Brazil was presented with the ISAF Beppe Croce Trophy for his outstanding contribution to the development of the sport and to ISAF. A past ISAF Vice-President from 1986 through to 1994 during which time he was instrumental in drafting the ISAF Advertising, Sponsorship and Eligibility codes. An International Judge since 1985, Peter has officiated at many of the world's top events including Olympic Games, Americas Cup and the Volvo Ocean Race as well as numerous world championship events.

Back to the ISAF Conference and meetings, the main issues discussed included:

Offshore Committee
Following the initial agreement last year, ISAF and the ORC presented their joint proposal to the ISAF Council for the future relationship.

The future structure of the ISAF Offshore Committee has been agreed, and a working party chaired by ISAF Vice-President David Kellett charged to implement the objectives of the 2000 ISAF/ORC agreement and ensure the future structure progresses to plan.

Essentially, the agreement means that the existing ORC Management Sub-Committee will only manage IMS and ORC Club Rule matters independent from the ISAF Committee structure. The David Kellett working party, amongst other matters, will recommend the criteria for approving international and recognised handicap systems (as at the current time the IMS is the only international rule) which will fall within the remit of the new ISAF Offshore Committee.

The ISAF Offshore Committee will have four sub-committees reporting to it - the Oceanic, Offshore One-Design, Special Regulations and International Regulations. One of the new issues the Oceanic Committee will have tasked to it is to consider single-handed offshore sailing.

Following last year's agreement, membership of the ISAF Offshore Committee which was drawn from nominations by Member National Authorities, was confirmed as follows, under the continued chairmanship of Hans Zuiderbaan (NED):

George Andreadis (GRE) - ISAF Executive Committee & Hellenic Yachting Federation
Kjell Borking (SWE) - Swedish Sailing Federation
Paddy Boyd (IRL) - Irish Sailing Association
John Cluistra (RSA) - South African Sailing
Bernard d'Alessandri (MON) - Yacht Club de Monaco
Ecky von der Mosel (GER) - Deutscher Segler Verband
Estanislao DURAN (ESP) - Royal Spanish Sailing Federation
Bruno Finzi (ITA) - Federazione Italiana Vela
Jose Alberto Frers (ARG) - Argentine Yachting Federation
Arne Hubregtse (NED) - Koninklijk Nederlands Watersport Verbond
David Kellett (AUS) - ISAF Executive Committee
Paul King (GBR) - Royal Yachting Association
Pasquale Landolfi (ITA) - Federazione Italiana Vela
Patrick Lindqvist (FIN) - Finnish Yachting Association
David Lyons (AUS) - Australian Yachting Federation
Jean Bertrand Mothes Masse (FRA) - Federation Francaise de Voile
James P. Muldoon (USA) - US Sailing
John Osmond (USA) - US Sailing
Abraham Rosemberg (BRA) - Brazilian Sailing Federation
Peter Rutter (GBR) - Royal Yachting Association
Wolfgang Schaefer (GER) - Deutscher Segler Verband
Peter Taylor (NZL) - Yachting New Zealand
John Bridges Tinker (CAN) - Canadian Yachting Association
Antonio Tio (ESP) - Royal Spanish Sailing Federation
Minoru Tomita (JPN) - Japan Sailing Federation
Lazaros Tsalikis (GRE) - Hellenic Yachting Federation
Hans Zuiderbaan (NED) - Koninklijk Nederland Watersport Verbond

International Yngling Class
Weight Limit - Having been debated amongst five ISAF Committees, in the corridors and globally, the question of whether or not to have a weight limit, and if so at what weight, finally came to a conclusion.

Four of the Committees considering the weight limit had affirmed their support that there should be a weight limit, and when put to Council, Council unanimously supported their recommendation. On the actual weight, again it was a straightforward decision, as those same Committees had all proposed the same weight of 205kg.

However, this consensus had only been achieved after heated discussions during the respective Committee meetings, with each Committee having had various statistics and permutations on the weight issues presented to them. After debate, Council supported the expertise of these technical Committees and on a vote of 31 in favour, 3 against and 3 abstentions a weight limit of 205kg was approved.

The methods by which the measurement of the weight limit will be controlled and monitored and the penalties for non-compliance are set for further debate. A working party has been charged to consider these issues and come back to Council at the 2002 ISAF Mid-Year Meeting with their proposals. Whatever is decided, the 2002 Yngling World Championships in Switzerland will be used as a test event for the process, with a final decision most likely to be taken in November 2002.

Olympic Qualification Events - Open or Women only? - Whilst many Yngling sailors are keen to see the open Yngling fleets continue to sail together at Olympic qualification events, the ISAF Events Committee recommended that such events should replicate the Olympic Regatta and have women only starts, which was supported by Council on a majority vote.

Yngling One-Design Control - Concerns on the need to limit exploitation of the tolerances and to restrict the use of exotic materials in the Yngling were debated. Tighter criteria will be finalised by 31 January 2002 to ensure that both newly built and existing boats are equitable for competition in the Olympic Regatta.

In respect of exotic material, the consensus was to permit the class to continue to use carbon fibre where currently permitted, which includes the tiller and spinnaker pole.

2004 Olympic Regatta
Preparations and Test Event - ATHOC made a presentation to Council updating on preparations for 2004. It was confirmed that the first test event will be held from 12-23 August 2002, with each nation entitled to send two entries per event. The Notice of Race will be published by the end of November 2002.

The ISAF President reminded everyone that the test event is to test the organisers and not as a test regatta for the sailors.

2004 Olympic Regatta Qualification System - The system by which countries will qualify for the 2004 Olympic Regatta was agreed, as per the system presented by the Events Committee in May 2001, with minor modifications. A total of 400 athletes are permitted to sail in the Olympic Regatta, with the number of countries that can qualify each year split as a percentage for each year, therefore in 2002 - 35% of the total sailors in each event will qualify, in 2003 - 45% and 2004 - 20%. All National Olympic Committees will have to confirm take-up of their country's allocated slot by 1 May 2004.

In each case, the qualification event for each class shall be the World Championships, aside from in 2003 when the qualification regatta for all classes will be the ISAF Combined Olympic Class World Championships, Cadiz, Spain, and for the Yngling Class in 2004 when the Yngling Europeans will be the qualification regatta.

It should also be noted that no sailor will be permitted to change nationality to sail for another nation after 1 August 2003.

Olympic Boardsailing Event - Mistral
It was confirmed that the Mistral Board will be supplied for the 2004 Olympic Regatta in Athens, and that no modifications or alterations to equipment permitted by sailors. Further that no redress or replacement of equipment will be permitted by competitors, except if it can be proved that it is no fault of the competitor.

Future Olympic Equipment
The various submissions requesting that ISAF identify now the equipment which will remain in the next Olympics and that which would be replaced did not get discussed. However, they provided the further impetus to challenge ISAF to consider the future events and equipment for 2008, and the Events Committee will give their preliminary report to the 2002 ISAF Mid-Year Meeting.

Trial for Youth Multihull
The Hobie 16 has been selected for the 2004 and 2005 Youth Worlds, subject to satisfactory arrangements for the supply of equipment, and for 2003 if the Organising Committee can accommodate a multihull event.

With the introduction of a mandatory multihull event for the ISAF Youth Worlds from 2004 onwards, both the Events and Multihull Committees proposed that trials be held in the Spring of 2003 to identify a new youth multihull which could be used at the ISAF Youth Worlds from 2006 onwards, which met with Council's approval

New International and Recognised Classes
The 29er, Hobie Tiger and 60ft Monohull were all upgraded to ISAF International Status from Recognised. The Tasar Class came into the ISAF system by achieving status as a Recognised class.

Match Racing
With the demise of match racing from the Olympic Regatta, concern was expressed on the future of this important element of the sport, particularly for women. In many countries match racing is felt to be one of the best ways of attracting women into sailing.

Nationality Requirements - Reflecting the situation in the open match racing world championships, that the team can be made up of sailors of any nationality not just that of the skipper, the rules for the Women's Match Racing Worlds have been amended similarly. To further encourage women's match racing events, it was agreed that the fees will continue to be waived for the Worlds and Grade 1 events for 2002.

World Rankings - The Match Racing Committee received support on their proposal to devise a method to allow those top skippers, who may have a period of absence from the match racing circuit (ie during an America's Cup year), to retain their position within the world rankings to enable them to easily come back into top level competition. They have been charged to work on a solution and implement it as soon as possible.

World Championships - The venues for the future Open and Women's Match Racing World Championships were approved, subject to contractual arrangements:

2002 - KSSS, Sweden
2003 - Riva de Garda, Italy

2002 - Calpe, Spain
2003 - Sundsvall Yacht Club, Sweden

Event Format and Scoring Systems
With the vast array of formats and scoring systems used around the world, a proposal had been made to introduce a standard system for Olympic Class Worlds, Olympic Class Grade 1 and 2 events and ISAF events, which amongst other benefits would improve the understanding of the sport to the media and public, make events easier to organise and set a quality standard. Whilst the principle was generally supported, the concept as presented was not and further work will now be done with the aim of achieving further input and consensus before bringing a proposal back to the table.

Class Rule Changes
Class Rule changes were approved for the following classes:

Centreboard Boats - Fourteen Foot Dingy, 505, 420, B14, Cadet, Contender, Europe, Finn, Lightning, OK, Optimist, Vaurien and Flying Dutchman
Keelboats - 2.4mR, Dragon, J/80, Melges 24, Soling, Sonar, Flying Fifteen, 5.5 Metre Yngling, Mumm 30, Farr 40, IC 45, X99
Multihull - Tornado, Formula 18, Hobie
Boards - Formula Windsurfing

Full details will be published by ISAF and the respective classes.

International Calendar of Events
With the ever growing number of events, and the increased importance of scheduling these events to avoid clashes around the globe, ISAF has itself greater control to manage the International Calendar of Events. All events will be required to submit dates no later than 1 August for the following year, with the ISAF Executive Committee charged to resolve conflicts. Whilst there is no set hierarchy on resolving clashes in dates, it will be understood that the established events and major Olympic or other Special Events will take priority.

Race Officials
On an initiative from the Women's Sailing Committee, to further develop women as race officials on the international jury circuit, ISAF has approved as a recommendation to event organisers, that when selecting juries, that there be a least one female member of the jury when there is a reasonable likelihood of female participation in the event. Further that for youth and women's events there should be two female members of the jury.

Whilst no issues have arisen to date, to ensure there can never be a question of national bias directed at a jury chairman, it was approved that for International Juries officiating at ISAF Special Events or Recognised Events (see ISAF Regulation 18 for definition of Special and Recognised Events) no person from the country hosting the event shall be appointed as Chairman of the Jury.

Earlier in the week, the ISAF Executive Committee had discussed the education and support to be given to the development of Race Officials, and agreed to provide the necessary funds to ensure the professional expertise and continuity of race officials at Special Events, such as the America's Cup, is at the highest possible level.

Race Official Appointments - Full details of approved Race Officials can be found on the ISAF website as follows:

International Judges - 92 applications from 44 countries were approved, of which 67 were renewals and 25 new appointments -

International Umpires - 23 applicants from 13 countries were approved, of which 14 were renewals and 9 new appointments -

International Race Officers - 32 applicants from 19 countries were approved, of which 13 were renewals and 19 new appointments -

Disabled Sailing
Demonstrating further ISAF's support of disabled sailing - ISAF also funds the administrative support for the International Foundation for Disabled Sailing within the ISAF Secretariat - it was unanimously agreed that for those classes which have specific fleets for disabled a second seat for the class shall be given on the ISAF Classes Committee.

Racing Rules of Sailing
Reversing the current situation where the Racing Rules of Sailing come into effect at different times in the Northern and Southern Hemispheres, Council approved that the Racing Rules of Sailing for 2005-2009 will come into effect globally on 1 January 2005. No changes to the Racing Rules will be permitted after November 2003.

ISAF World Sailing Games
The ISAF World Sailing Games will be held from Saturday 29 June 2002 to Thursday 11 July 2002 in Marseille, France, with the first race day on Tuesday 2 July 2002.

Events and equipment - All boats and boards to be used for the Championship will be supplied free of charge, with the following events and equipment:
Single-handed dinghy for males - Laser
Single-handed dingy for females - Laser Radial
Double-handed dinghy for males - 470
Double-handed dingy for females - 470
Multihull for males - Hobie Cat 16
Multihull for females - Hobie Cat 16
Keelboat for males - J-80
Keelboat for females - to be announced. Note: J/22 was announced
Windsurfer for males - Formula Windsurfing supplied with two sails
Windsurfing for females - Formula Windsurfing supplied with two sails

- Ends -
ISAF Secretariat
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