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24 June 2002, 03:17 pm
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Top Cat European Championship

The Top Cat European Championship in Cesenatico, Italy concluded on Friday.

In the K1 class the British team of Simon White and David Holligan finished first. In second and third were two German teams: Sebastian Moser and Alexander Moser, and Normann Strack and Manfred Haselbeck respectively.

In the K2 class Italians took the first 3 places: Egidio and Giulia Babbi were 1st, Daniele Saragoni/Agostino Montalti were 2nd and Maurizio Saragoni/Giulia Saragoni were 3rd.

In K3 there was success for the German Eric Brandstetter who preceded the German Olaf Leuschner in second, and Mike Gluckstein in third.

In the TC class Thomas Dietlein (GER) won, silver went to Peter Grabeldinger (GER), and Sarah Graf/Julia Hild (GER) took bronze.

Results after 8 races:

1. S. White/D. Holligan GBR
2. S.Moser/A. Moser GER
3. N. Strack/M. Haselbeck GER

1. E. Babbi/G. Babbi ITA
2. D. Saragoni/A. Montalti ITA
3. M. Saragoni/G. Saragoni ITA

1. E. Brandstetter GER
2. Olaf Leuschner GER
3. Mike Gluckstein GER

1. T. Dietlein GER
2. P. Grabeldinger GER
3 S. Graf/J. Hild GER

Federica Monticelli/News Editor
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