Opinion Editorials



When President Obama recently signed Trade Promotion Authority and Trade Adjustment Assistance into law, it marked a victory for bipartisanship, for common sense, and, most importantly, for American businesses and our workers. By continuing to engage with trading partners throughout the world, we are ensuring that the U.S. does not cede ground in the race for economic and job growth — and we are...


Chicago's Garrett Popcorn is a local institution whose flavored snacks have been enjoyed by Chicagoans and visitors for more than 65 years. Recently, the chain was recognized for something more than its unique combination of sweet CaramelCrisp and savory CheeseCorn flavors: the success the company has achieved selling its popcorn to overseas customers...


The beautiful city of Orlando hosted the U.S. Travel Association's annual IPW Bringing the World to America marketplace this week. IPW is the world's largest travel and tourism trade show. Over the past few days, 1,350 potential international customers met with 1,100 American companies and bought approximately $4.7 billion dollars in products and services such as helicopter rides over...


In today's economy, all businesses need to think globally. Any entrepreneur or CEO faces a world that is more interconnected and more competitive than ever -- and to succeed in the 21st century, any smart enterprise knows that its customer base is not just around the corner, but around the world. There is no doubt that the global economic landscape has changed dramatically in recent years...


There are 11.7 million reasons to lead on trade. That’s the estimated number of American jobs supported by exports in 2014, our fifth consecutive year of record-breaking exports. These record performances are truly a “Team USA” effort, driven by businesses of all sizes from all sectors across our economy. If any one group deserves special attention, it is our small businesses, which comprise 98...


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