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ISAF Racing Rules Question & Answer Service Booklet

ISAF Q&A; Booklet

ISAF Racing Rules Question & Answer Service - 2015 Q&As

ISAF Q&A2015.008; J014When a protest has been withdrawn
ISAF Q&A2015.007; G008Signal to indicate an event has ended
ISAFQ&A2015.006; G007Adding racing days to an event
ISAFQ&A2015.005; J013Scheduling Protest Hearings
ISAF Q&A2015.004; J012Withdrawing a request for redress during a hearing
ISAF Q&A; 2015.003 L006Numbers and letters in sails
ISAF Q&A2014.020; L005Stowing heavy sails
ISAF Q&A2015.002; J011Damage, boats actions and redress
ISAF Q&A2015.001; G006When flag O has already been displayed.

ISAF Racing Rules Question & Answer Service - 2014 Q&As

ISAF Q&A; 2014.019 K005Incidents on Medal Race days. Addendum Q.
ISAF Q&A2014.018; G005Alternative penalties for OCS
ISAF Q&A2014.017; G004Race committee signals
ISAF Q&A2014.016; L004Rule 49 - Using halyard attached to harness
ISAF Q&A; 2014.015 C001Forced over the starting line
ISAF Q&A; 2014.014 B010Radio-controlled boats on different legs
ISAF Q&A; 2014.013 M007'Taut' in OSR 3.14.2 and RRS 49.2
ISAf Q&A; 2014.012.K004Tie break in Team Racing
ISAF Q&A2014.011; B009Not getting enough room at the finishing mark
ISAF Q&A2014.010; L003National letters on asymmetric spinnakers
ISAF Q&A2014.009; M006Racing Rules and rule 86
ISAF Q&A2014.008; N006The balance between the RRS and the IRPCAS
ISAF Q&A2014.007; K003When things go wrong at entry
ISAF Q&A; 2014.006 K002Tie Break in Match Racing
ISAF Q&A; 2014.005 F003Correcting mistakes in scoring BFD
ISAF Q&A; 2014.004 L002Boards and boats rounding marks together
ISAF Q&A; 2014.003 F002Provisional score vs final score
ISAF Q&A; 2014.002 B008When does mark-room include room to gybe?
ISAF Q&A; 2014.001 B007About mark-room and exoneration
ISAF Q&A; 2013.036 N005ISAF Q&A; 2013.036 N005
ISAF Q&A; 2013.029 N003 (Revised 15 Jan 2014)ISAF Q&A; 2013.029 N003 (Revised 15 Jan 2014)
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