International Trade Administration (ITA)

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The International Trade Administration (ITA) is charged with strengthening the competitiveness of U.S. industry, promoting trade and investment, and ensuring fair trade and compliance with trade laws and agreements.

ITA is organized into three business units that work together to achieve ITA’s mission:

Industry and Analysis. ITA advances the international competitiveness of U.S. industries by leveraging expertise and relationships with U.S. industry in the development and execution of innovative international trade and investment policies and strategies.

Enforcement and Compliance. ITA promotes the effective administration of U.S. antidumping (AD) / countervailing (CVD) trade law remedies; addresses and curtails tradedistorting practices; promotes adoption of disciplines and practices by U.S. trading partners that enhance transparency and impartiality in foreign trade practices; and administers the Foreign Trade Zone (FTZ) program and other import programs that support U.S. jobs. It also represents and advocates on behalf of U.S. industry interests with regard to the exercise and enforcement of U.S. rights under bilateral and multilateral trade agreements.

Global Markets. ITA advances U.S. commercial interests by engaging with U.S. businesses that export to foreign countries; expands U.S. exports by developing and implementing policies and programs to increase U.S. access to and presence in foreign markets; provides market contacts, knowledge, opportunities, and customized solutions to U.S. firms and expands foreign investment into the United States by promoting the United States as the investment destination.


Under Secretary for International Trade
Deputy Under Secretary for International Trade
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