2015 SelectUSA Summit Recap


2015 SelectUSA Summit Recap

Monday, March 23, 2015
The 2015 SelectUSA Investment Summit aimed to build on the tremendous success of the inaugural event, which connected investors from 60 countries with representatives from nearly every U.S. state and territory. At this year’s Summit, economic development organizations from across the United States gathered to showcase investment opportunities to companies from around the world.
Download 2015 SelectUSA Summit Recap (24.51 MB)

Administrative Officials: 

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"The President understands, as you do in business,that a strong economy is friendly to all companies.To fulfill that promise, he created SelectUSA. When President Obama addressed our first SelectUSA Summit, he reminded us and I quote, 'history shows over the last two centuries that when you bet on America, that bet pays off'."-Secretary Pritzker
"I think it's amazing what the Secretary has done because she has given us the opportunity to really talk about what investing in the United States and in rural America, what
 that means, what we have to offer, and how we can provide goods of all kinds, whether it be agriculture manufacturing, whether it be energy. It doesn't matter what it is. What we can provide to the rest of the countries in the world and to bringing us together lets us brag about what we have in the United States and how we can really become partners with other
 countries, such as Japan. We have been partners with Mexico. We are partners with Israel. We are partners with Saudi Arabia. I mean we are growing and growing our exports like never seen before."
"I think it's wonderful that the government is getting together all of the different actors and recruiting foreign direct investment into one location and the issues that foreign companies 
are looking at in terms of making the decision to come to the United States are being discussed. To have a support system available not only at the state level, but also at the nationallevel is very important. I think SelectUSA gives the opportunity to have that."
"Over the past six years, we worked hard to make ourselves a smarter place to invest and to do business than any other country in the world. So, we've got a good story to tell and that's one reason I created SelectUSA. The first ever government wide initiative to encourage more companies from around the world to invest and create jobs right here in the United States. We've got a good story to tell, but we want to make sure all of you had a chance to hear it and the SelectUSA team wakes up every morning with one mission: bringing jobs, creating investment to the United States of America."-President Obama

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