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Help Us Fund an Exciting Documentary on the Consumer/Survivor Movement

Help Mental Health America Fund our Exciting Video Documentary, From Asylums to Recovery – The Fight for Civil Rights and Humane Treatment for People in the Mental Health Care System, on at

The documentary is a compelling history of the Consumer/Survivor Movement in the United States from 1960 to the present. It is the incredible story of the ongoing emergence of thousands of people who have been pushed to the margins of society because of the gross misunderstanding of the “normal” world about the true nature of psychiatric disorders.

Please visit our project pages on Kickstarter and donate whatever you can to ensure that this important story is brought into the light.  Please share the link with friends and family and urge them to join us in producing this incredible documentary. Our goal is to raise $65,000 to finish the project, and any additional donations can only help to create a more powerful video. This project will only be on Kickstarter for 45 days, so please go to our page right away and make your donation so that we can build some momentum in our fundraising efforts.  That is the way crowdfunding works.

On the Kickstarter site, you can watch our 90-second trailer and also link to the first 24 minutes of the overall project.  We have edited the first section to cover the years 1960 to 1985 and are using it as a stand-alone mini-documentary for fundraising and educational purposes.  This section will be edited into the finished one-hour documentary.

To help fund this incredible project, go to

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6th Floor Alexandria, VA 22311

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