Each month the Current Employment Statistics program surveys about 143,000 businesses and government agencies, representing approximately 588,000 individual worksites, in order to provide detailed industry data on employment, hours, and earnings of workers on nonfarm payrolls for all 50 States, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, and about 450 metropolitan areas and divisions.


Effective with the July 21,2015 release of June 2015 data, BLS will release new data series: (1) total nonfarm, all employees, 3-month average of the seasonally adjusted over-the-month change, in thousands for all states and selected metro areas, and (2) total private, all employees, 3-month average of the seasonally adjusted over-the-month change, in thousands for all states (at the statewide level only). The new series will be added to the supplemental tables of the Regional and State Employment and Unemployment and Metropolitan Area Employment and Unemployment news releases.

Historical data for the new series will be available back to April 1990 in most cases. For example , these series can be extracted for Alabama statewide using the following Series IDs from LABSTAT, the BLS database:

SMS01000000000000026 Alabama, Statewide, Total nonfarm, all employees, 3-month average change, seasonally adjusted

SMS01000000500000026 Alabama, Statewide, Total private, all employees, 3-month average change, seasonally adjusted


  • NEW The North American Industry Classification System (NAICS), used by BLS and other statistical agencies to classify industry statistics, is periodically revised. The next NAICS revision is scheduled for 2017. A notice was published in the Federal Register on August 4, 2015, to describe the proposed 2017 changes to NAICS and to invite public comment. Additional information about the use of NAICS at BLS is available at the Bureau's NAICS webpage.
  • The Joint Explanatory Statement that accompanied the Consolidated and Further Continuing Appropriations Act, 2015, included language directing the BLS to conduct a review of the methodology used in the collection and reporting of CES survey data for Metropolitan Statistical Areas. The BLS response to Congress is available at www.bls.gov/sae/cesreport.htm
  • Revisions in State Establishment-based Employment Estimates Effective January 2015
  • Due to a data processing error, data for CES State and Metropolitan Area estimates were incorrectly published in the database and have now been corrected on July 21, 2015. A detailed list of corrections is available at www.bls.gov/bls/errata/sae_errata.htm

Next Releases:

  • The Regional and State Employment and Unemployment data for August 2015 are scheduled to be released on September 18, 2015, at 10:00 A.M. Eastern Time.
  • The Metropolitan Area Employment and Unemployment data for August 2015 are scheduled to be released on September 30, 2015, at 10:00 A.M. Eastern Time.

Latest SAE News Releases

July jobless rates down over the year in 359 of 387 metro areas; payroll jobs up in 322


Jobless rates were lower in July than a year earlier in 359 of the 387 metropolitan areas, higher in 20, and unchanged in 8. Nonfarm payroll employment was up in 322 metropolitan areas over the year, down in 54, and unchanged in 11.

July jobless rates down in 24 states, up in 14; payroll jobs up in 34 states, down in 16


In July, 24 states and the District of Columbia had over-the-month unemployment rate decreases, 14 states had increases, and 12 states had no change. Nonfarm payroll employment increased in 34 states and decreased in 16 states and the District.

Current SAE Economic News Releases



SAE Databases


Database Name Special
Tables Text Files
Employment, Hours, and Earnings - State and Metro Area
(Current Employment Statistics - CES)
Special Notice for CES State and Metro Area Top Picks for CES State and Metro Area Data Finder for CES State and Metro Area One Screen Data Search for CES State and Metro Area Multi Screen Data Search for CES State and Metro Area Tables for CES State and Metro Area Text Files for CES State and Metro Area


More Tools

  • Series Report — Already know the series identifier for the statistic you want? Use this shortcut to retrieve your data.


All SAE Databases


SAE Tables

Monthly Tables

  • D-1. Employees on nonfarm payrolls by State and major industry, seasonally adjusted (formerly table B-7) (PDF) (XLS)
  • D-2. Employees on nonfarm payrolls in States and selected areas by major industry (formerly table B-14) (PDF) (XLS)
  • D-3. Employees on nonfarm payrolls by state, selected metropolitan areas, and metropolitan divisions (formerly table B-15) (PDF) (XLS)
  • D-4. Average hours and earnings of production employees on manufacturing payrolls, by State (formerly table B-19) (PDF) (XLS)
  • D-5. Average hours and earnings of production employees on manufacturing payrolls in selected states, metropolitan areas, and metropolitan divisions (formerly table B-20) (PDF) (XLS)
  • D-6. Average hours and earnings of all employees on private nonfarm payrolls by state and metropolitan area, not seasonally adjusted (formerly table B-21) (PDF) (XLS)

Regional and State Release Tables

Metropolitan Area Release Tables

2015 State and Area "Employment and Earnings" Tables by Month

2014 Annual Average Tables

  • Employees on nonfarm payrolls in States and selected areas by major industry (PDF) (XLS)
  • Employees on nonfarm payrolls by State, selected metropolitan areas, and metropolitan divisions (PDF) (XLS)
  • Average hours and earnings of production employees on manufacturing payrolls by State (PDF) (XLS)
  • Average hours and earnings of all employees on private nonfarm payrolls by State (PDF) (XLS)

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Contact Us

CES State and Area Contacts

Further information may be obtained by contacting the Current Employment Statistics State and Area program via email or calling (202)691-6559 from 8:30 am through 4:30 pm Eastern Time Monday through Friday.

The cooperating State Employment Security Administrations (SESAs) have labor market information offices which publish and disseminate CES data for their State.