Green Goods and Services (GGS)

The GGS program is a survey-based program, covering 120,000 business establishments, which provides a measure of national and State employment in industries that produce goods or provide services that benefit the environment.


  • The 2011 Green Goods and Services News Release and Supplemental Tables are now available.
  • Updated 2010 GGS Survey Results

    With the release of the 2011 GGS survey on March 19, 2013, BLS implemented improvements to the methodology used to generate estimates of GGS employment. The previous GGS data series (2010 Survey) was revised to incorporate these new methods. 2010 GGS Survey estimates were also converted to NAICS 2012 to allow comparisons between the 2011 and 2010 surveys. The definition of green goods and services and the definition of GGS industries have not changed. For more information on the North American Industry Classification system, please see For general information about our improved methodology, please see our Extended Technical Note (PDF).

  • Elimination of the GGS program

    On March 1, 2013, President Obama ordered into effect the across-the-board spending cuts (commonly referred to as sequestration) required by the Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act, as amended. Under the order, the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) must cut its current budget by more than $30 million, about 5 percent of the current 2013 appropriation, by September 30, 2013. In order to achieve these savings and protect core programs, the BLS will eliminate two programs and all "measuring green jobs" products.  These products include:  data on employment by industry and occupation for businesses that produce green goods and services; data on the occupations and wages of jobs related to green technologies and practices; and green career information publications. Please see for more information regarding the sequestration at BLS.


GGS Overview

The Green Goods and Services (GGS) Survey is an annual survey that has been developed to address the need for data on the size and scope of the United States' green economy.

All GGS Overview »

GGS News Releases

Green Goods and Services

March 19, 2013

In 2011, there were 3.4 million Green Goods and Services (GGS) jobs, accounting for 2.6 percent of total US employment. More...


  • 2011 Green Goods and Services (HTML) (PDF)
  • Supplemental Tables

    • GGS employment by industry sector comparing initial and revised 2010 estimates (PDF) (XLS)
    • GGS employment by industry sector in government comparing initial and revised 2010 annual estimates (PDF) (XLS)
    • Private sector GGS employment by detailed industry comparing initial and revised 2010 estimates (PDF ) (XLS)
    • Private sector GGS employment by detailed industry with over-the-year change (PDF) (XLS)
    • GGS employment by state with over-the-year change (PDF) (XLS)
    • Private sector GGS employment by state and industry sector with over-the-year change (PDF) (XLS)
    • GGS employment by industry sector and test of significance (PDF) ( XLS)


  • 2010 Green Goods and Services Survey (HTML) (PDF)


GGS Databases


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  • Series Report —Already know the series identifier for the statistic you want? Use this shortcut to retrieve your data.

NOTE: The series ID's and periodicity code have been changed from the original GGS data release. Due to the rolling four quarter average QCEW data ending in quarter four, the original periodicity was displayed as quarter four rather than annual data. Since the GGS survey is an annual survey, the ‘Q’ in the periodicity code has been changed to an ‘A’ and is now correctly displayed as annual data in the series ID.


GGS Frequently Asked Questions


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Contact GGS


Telephone: (202) 691-5200

If you have specific GGS data question, please contact us via e-mail.

Written inquiries should be directed to:

U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics
Division of Information and Marketing Services
2 Massachusetts Avenue, N.E. Room 2850
Washington, D.C. 20212–0001