Merrill Barr


Screenwriter, TV journalist for , and others, podcaster, creator, dreamer, not so much a lover or fighter though.

Los Angeles
जानेवारी २००९ वाजता सहभागी झाले

@MerrillBarr अवरोधित आहे

आपल्याला ही ट्विट्स पाहण्याची खात्रीपूर्वक इच्छा आहे? ट्विट्स पाहिल्याने @MerrillBarr अनब्लॉक होणार नाही.

  1. पुन्हा ट्विट केले

    OMG Taylor Swift just invited the cast of FIREFLY on stage, where they performed three full episodes!

  2. This seems MORE gratuitous because running anything else 24 hours later is just unnecessarily socially oblivious.

  3. Honestly, I don't think even Gawker would have stooped so low as to screengrab the video. Well done, , you've gone below Gawker!

  4. पुन्हा ट्विट केले

    . what a gratuitous, senseless front page. Stop your presses now.

  5. पुन्हा ट्विट केले

    You know it's been a long day when you blink and your contacts fall out.

  6. Also, who doesn't like some legally free music?

  7. YAY

  8. The scene that made me cry.

  9. पुन्हा ट्विट केले

    You mean that big ball of nuclear fire? Yeah. We fucking hate that.

  10. The promise has been made good on - 'Suits' Season 5, Episode 10 Recap: 'Faith'

  11. You guys liking that on the east?

  12. because you can eat more chocolate at one time with them.

  13. Amazon has announced that Amazon Prime Video is coming to Japan this fall.

  14. पुन्हा ट्विट केले

    Police: 8 people being held hostage in Sunset, La., store after 3 people shot, including officer -

  15. पुन्हा ट्विट केले

    Oh, for the love of fu...

  16. पुन्हा ट्विट केले

    Our thoughts go out to all those affected during this difficult time.

  17. पुन्हा ट्विट केले

    Out of respect to the victims, their families and colleagues, and our viewers, we are postponing tonight’s episode.

लोड करण्या करता काही वेळ लागू शकतो.

ट्विटरने क्षमता ओलांडली आहे किंवा तात्पुरती अडचण अनुभवास येत आहे. पुन्हा प्रयत्न करा किंवा अधिक माहितीसाठी ट्विटर स्थितीला भेट द्या.

    आपण मला सुद्धा विचारू शकता
