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News and notes directly from the National Basketball Association.

Unit: febrer de 2009

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    . with 25pts & 15rbds in today's last game! boxscore:

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  2. fa 1 hora

    Summer Dreaming: Who wins the next season? 's weighs in:

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  3. fa 4 hores

    Game-winners & spin cycles headline the TOP 10 PLAYS!

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    Super happy!:)) Best city and best fans in  for another 4 years. Aciu! Can't wait for  season

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    VIDEO: talks his “unbelievable” Asia tour in Shanghai & the Philippines

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    The Raptors are pleased to announce they have signed to a contract extension

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  7. fa 7 hores

    reveal picks for top defender, funniest, fave & more in Rook Survey!

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    Good read on our rook,

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    The Quality Control Gallery: 2014-15 Gala Basketball (63 Must-See Pics).

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    "Every play was different and special." - recalls the '87 NBA All-Star game-

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    Catch the 1987 NBA All-Star Game on today at 2pm. I wrote some words on it for .

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    In his first All-Star game, Tom Chambers dominates- tune in to NBA TV right now!

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  14. fa 11 hores

    Lang asks the - If you had to pick a new name for yourself, what would you choose?

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    The Raptors would like to wish a Happy 24th Birthday to PG !

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    fa 12 hores

    Best plays of Day 1 at featuring , , , Zachée and (VIDEO):

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    .'s dream was kept alive by putting it on hold says . >>

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  18. Retuitat per

    James? Superman? Professor? I asked the rookies to choose a new name for themselves

    Traduït de anglès per

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