Pat Marsh


Presenter at BBC Radio Kent and host for public events across the UK. Tweets do not represent the organisations I work for RT's are not an endorsement

Inscrit en novembre 2008


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  1. Tweet épinglé
    5 mars 2017

    Including the location in your new shop sign, isn't always such a good idea...

  2. a retweeté

    Hi Can you give our market a mention please Sunday 9.30-1.30 Aylesford Priory, ME20 7BX 40+ Stalls most months Local veg & meat. Bread and cakes Very Fresh Eggs Apples & Cider Street food Demonstration kitchen Knife sharpening & much more. Fee Event

  3. 17 avr.

    I hope that before the day is done, you’ll get a chance to

  4. a retweeté
    16 avr.
  5. 16 avr.

    It was good to go back to Sun Pier earlier today and to see it looking so well loved.

  6. 14 avr.

    I’m totally confused with

  7. 14 avr.

    I’ve a genuine (if not particularly cerebral) question. Why do Ice Cream vans use the Match of the Day theme? Greensleeves I can understand, being out of copyright and all, but MOTD?!

  8. a retweeté
    14 avr.

    Meet The Cast. Elle Woods is our leading lady who is 'legally blonde'. Does she get her man I wonder? Come along to to see this fabulous production and you'll find out. Get your tickets while you still can - they're selling fast.

    Afficher cette discussion
  9. 14 avr.

    We’re dog sitting this weekend and this is on the bag of dog food. It strikes me that some of my mates could do with a dose of Yucca.

  10. 13 avr.

    I’m loving these banners that have sprung up across in support of local businesses. Nice work

  11. a retweeté
    13 avr.
    En réponse à

    This was our queue of lovely customers this morning

  12. 13 avr.

    As celebrates 900 years from joins us at 8.50am ahead of opening two new visitor attractions at the castle today.

  13. 13 avr.

    It’s today and we’re blessed with plenty of independent record shops here in At 7.50am we link live with Alison from to see what’s on offer this year.

  14. 13 avr.

    Thousands of people are heading to Gravesend today for the annual Sikh festival of Vaisakhi. At 7.25am joins us to share what’s in store.

  15. 13 avr.

    Earlier and I were talking about unusual shop names. Here’s one I came across in London...

  16. 13 avr.
  17. 13 avr.

    You can feel the excitement in the air. Fifteen minutes to go!

  18. 13 avr.

    This is your 5am alarm call. One hour to go until Saturday Breakfast I repeat, one hour to go.

  19. 12 avr.

    One of the many highlights from today's show with was Ian who during his call to us, just happened to mention that he has two stomachs! Apparently it's common in cattle, goats, sheep, giraffes and yaks but pretty rare for blokes who live in Bexley.

  20. 12 avr.

    Yesterday’s resulted in calls from a Magician’s assistant, an ex-canoeist and a listener who spent the night in the Mayor’s Parlour. Join us from 12 - 3pm to see where today takes us!

  21. 12 avr.

    Crate Update... Thanks for the very entertaining and inventive suggestions as to what may be lurking within. Keep them coming!


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