Case studies

Sport England regularly reviews projects at Completion and develops a project report into a Case Study for publication on the website for future reference by any interested party. These are regularly referred to and signposted to partners by SE personnel.

These Case Studies are generally classified as “technical” Case Studies, as the emphasis has been on recognising good practice through the design and construction stages of the project, either of individual elements or of the project as a whole. They highlight projects that vary from site to site with interesting differences in the mix, sizes and designs of the component parts to reflect the needs of the individual locations.

Projects do not need to be Sport England funded but, providing they demonstrate good practice in design, cost and follow Sport England Design Guidance Notes (DGNs), they can be considered for inclusion.

The set of Case studies that are currently available show examples of both new build and refurbishment of multi-sport centres (“wet and dry”) with health and fitness, sports halls, artificial grass pitches and natural turf pitches.

As this area of the website develops further we shall be including Local Outreach work, procurement studies, operational studies and links to specific funded rounds, including, for example, Inspired, Iconic and Improvement.

Links to case studies