RYA Powerboat Racing Review 

Thank you visiting the RYA Powerboat Racing review page.

Over the coming months, the RYA will be conducting an in-depth review of its governance of Powerboat Racing in the UK. Led by experienced project manager Peter Cardy, reporting directly to the RYA Board, the review will encompass all elements of the sport from training and licenses to competitor participation and officials.

All surveys and the public comment facility will be available from Wednesday, 1 July 2015 and will close on Friday, 17 July 2015.

Members of the general public are invited to participate in this review by submitting their comments via the link below from the 1st July.

Submit your comments

Officials, Racing Clubs and Competitors (all past & present) will be sent a personalised link via email to the survey. If you have not received a link by Thursday, 2 July, please contact us at powerboat.racing@rya.org.uk detailing in which capacity you are requesting a survey link.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank all relevant parties in advance for taking the time to submit your feedback or complete surveys.

Contact Us

Article Published: June 26, 2015 14:18

Article Updated: July 01, 2015 7:58


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