Towpath Mooring Management Project 

Latest update from the Canal & River Trust.

Towpath Mooring Management project Latest update from the CRT This week the Canal and River Trust (CRT) published the latest update on its Towpath Mooring Management project. 

It provides feedback on boaters concerns and reports progress on the various initiatives that it is currently working on in relation to boating.

The project aims, amongst other things, to build a more constructive engagement with all segments of the boating community and to build awareness of and a wider respect for mooring rules. The project started in 2013 and will run for three years.

Gus Lewis Head of Legal & Government Affairs “We support the objectives of this project, which are important if CRT is to manage its waterways effectively.

“The report provides a detailed review of the progress that CRT has achieved to date and what is coming up over the next few months.

“We would encourage anyone cruising and/or living on the inland waterways to read the update and get involved in the various CRT consultations, meetings and community-led schemes. In particular we would encourage boaters to respond to CRTs consultation on long-term mooring sales which started on 6 October 2014 and runs until Monday 3 November 2014".  

Highlights from the update report include:

  • A report back on the initial results from CRTs new Boat Owners Attitude Tracker run in August which highlighted that it needs to work hard on making boaters feel respected and showing that it values their views. CRT will be publishing the full results of the survey shortly.
  • The open meeting programme demonstrated clearly to CRT that boaters wanted to be kept better informed about the work it is doing.
  • CRT reported that it  is working with local boaters and the Boat Safety Scheme to provide fact sheets for boaters in London that will explain the rules and etiquette of boating, including tips from old hands, useful information about facilities, contact numbers, protecting the environment, boat safety, security and more.
  • Lastly CRT is responding to calls from boaters for clearer guidance about what constitutes a different place or neighbourhood, to aid with them planning their cruising patterns and has been working on a series of maps showing its interpretation of waterway ‘places. CRT aims to present a draft process on visitor moorings for discussion by the end of December 2014.  

You can read the full project update on the Canal and River Trust’s website.    

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Article Published: October 13, 2014 8:45

Article Updated: October 13, 2014 10:12


Tagged with: Canal Cruising, River Cruising

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