Welcome to the March edition of Up to Speed Can't see this e-mail? Read it online
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Welcome to the March edition of Up to Speed...
In this issue:
Avoiding costly launch insurance claims
Motor boat pre-launch - checks, maintenance and avoiding disasters.
MOB for motor
Top tips to help you brush up your man overboard skills.
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Going Inland
Getting to grips with helmsmanship and much more.
Prop Torque
Glitz, glamour and awards galore - RYA Powerboat Racing Awards 2015.
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The Editor

If you have any comments please email editor.uptospeed@rya.org.uk
RYA Advanced Powerboat Handbook
RYA Advanced Powerboat Handbook
RRP: £: 15.99
RYA members: £13.59
The book has been designed to be a key and progressive learning tool which focuses on the advanced aspects of powerboating.
Also available as
an RYA eBooks
Latest member offers
VIDEO: Winner of Safety Boat competition announced
Maidstone Powerboater Ben Receives Youth Champion Award
March is RYA Refer a Friend double gift month
RYA SafeTrx App - What's new for 2015?
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