Stakeholder Charter


The RYA Cymru Wales aims to provide the highest standards of service to its members and customers. 

If you have been less than fully satisfied with the service you have received, we would welcome your comments so that we can rectify the problem and improve our service in the future.

Please download the form from the link on the right and return it, marked Confidential, to the address or e-mail address on the form.  An acknowledgement will be sent within 3 working days of receipt.  Your complaint will be fully investigated and a response sent within 14 days of receipt.  All complaints will be recorded to enable us to monitor our performance.

Please note that this process should be used for comments or complaints about the services provided directly by the RYA Cymru Wales and its staff.

RYA Cymru Wales Stakeholder Charter

RYA Cymru Wales Comments Complaints Form