ISAF International Regulations Commission represents the interests of ISAF, its member National Authorities and all users with IMO and other international or national institutions.
To download the IMO Document BLG 16/5 related to Development Of International Measures For Minimizing The Transfer of Invasive Aquatic Species Through Biofouling of Ships please click here
Below you will find a list of documents which aims to provide sailors, race organizers, race officials, and any other person interested in the world of sailing, the necessary information to raise awareness, educate and help reduce the environmental impact from sailing.
* ISAF Code of Environmentally Friendly Behaviour, a one page document with basic advice on good environmental practice for any sailor around the world.
* ISAF Guidance for Sailing Venues, a set of guidelines to be adopted by training centres or any sailing venue with an interest for the environment. This document includes references to pollution control, energy and water use, waste management, wildlife and conservation.
* ISAF Green Event Guidance, this document provides a guidance for each role in a sailing event, (Race Organizer, Race Officials, competitors and support crew) aimed to ensure that environmental issues are taken into consideration during its planning, staging and aftermath.
* Offshore Racing Environmental Code, a guideline on good environmental practice for Offshore Races.