

The American Association for History and Computing (AAHC) is dedicated to the reasonable and productive marriage of history and computer technology. To support and promote these goals, the AAHC sponsors a number of activities, including an annual meeting, annual prizes, an electronic journal – the Journal of the American Association for History and Computing (JAHC), a continuing publication series, and a variety of summer workshops.

The Association welcomes members from any subject relating to history and anyone interested in the aims of the association. Click on the membership link to find out how to join. AAHC’s consitituion is also available under the Constitution link if you would like more information on the AAHC operating procedures.

Of particular importance to the Association is the Tenure Guidelines, which the AAHC has worked to create for administrators to better define, understand, and promote work that professionals produce in academic settings. This information is available under the Tenue Guidelines section.