Front Porch

Frequently Asked Questions


What is a Co-op?

The term “cooperative nursery school” describes a school where parents’ efforts are crucial to the school’s day-to-day running and to its overall existence. Parents work closely with the teachers and the children and they are actively involved with many aspects of the school. We appeal to parents who are interested in helping create and foster a quality nursery school environment, and who are interested in becoming more involved with their children’s lives and education. Everyone’s efforts, and everyone’s willingness to give what they can (time, insights and expertise) are vital to the operation and success of our school. The Co-op brings together many wonderful people. We offer the opportunity for close parent-child interaction, parental education in areas related to experiences and issues in the preschool years, and the opportunity to be involved in maintaining and caring for the school.

What is the ratio of children to teachers and adults?

Each class consists of 18 kids, 2 teachers and 3 parents.

How and when do I enroll my child?

Registration is by U.S. Mail only. Forms will be available at the School House in a designated location on April 1. Registration forms are not mailed to families. You are responsible for obtaining your registration form. More information is available on our enrollment and tuition page.

What classes do you offer?

Our classes are listed on the TUITION PAGE. See our HANDBOOK(page 10) for more information on classes offered. CLICK HERE FOR SPANISH LANGUAGE HANDBOOK

The Co-op in a Nutshell (Things You Must Do)

Come to the General Meetings

Complete the Adult Education Class

The Adult Education classes, taught by our Parent Advisor, consisting of a total of twelve hours (spread out over several sessions). This is a one-time requirement for working in the classroom. Parents holding Reduced Participation positions still need to fulfill this requirement. If a participant in the Adult Education class misses a session, a “make-up” must be completed as approved by the Parent Advisor. New parents joining the school after the Adult Education classes have been taught must consult with the Parent Advisor to arrange for a “make-up” program.*

Participate in the Classroom

Pay your monthly tuition on time


Attend 2 Work Parties

Have a Parent Job

2014 – 2015 Calendar

The Co-op operates throughout the public school year with vacations and holidays coinciding with the school calendar of the St. Helena Unified School District, with whom we are affiliated.


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"If a child does not learn the way you teach, teach the way the child learns."

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