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8 March 2005, 12:04 pm
Six-Time Winner Vince BRUN Has First Place Finish on Day Two
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Bacardi Cup 2005
Miami, Florida, USA

Light and shifty air delayed the second day start of the Bacardi Cup in Biscayne Bay yesterday. The international fleet of 70 Star Class boats waited on the water for almost an hour before a light 4 to 5 knot breeze arrived.
Six-time Bacardi Cup winner, Vince BRUN of San Diego and crew Doug BROPHY of Rowley, MA were the first to catch a breeze and they never let it go winning the second day race. The California skipper is now in first place overall.

Brun was the first around all three marks leading up until the fourth leg where Miamian Augie DIAZ and crew Bob SCHOFIELD of Annapolis, Md. made a valiant attempt to catch him but ended up in second place.

'Vince dominated right from the start,' said Diaz. 'On a day like today, you have to have speed, luck and you have to do things right. Vince had speed and smarts,' he added.

Rick MERRIMAN of San Diego, CA and crew Brad NICHOL of Lake Sunapee, NH sailing a brand new Star, took third, trailed by Arthur ANOSOV of St. Petersburg, FL and crew David CAESAR of Toronto, Canada in fourth. Anosov said this is his eighth Bacardi Cup race and it is his best yet, 'even though it was a tough and slow start.'

For Merriman, all of his gains were made on the first beat by jibing early. 'At the second and third marks, we closed up on Augie and Vince,' he said.

Floridians Mark MENDLEBLATT of St. Petersburg, and crew Mark STRUBE of West Palm Beach, finished in fifth place. This is Mendleblatt's first Bacardi Cup.

First day top five finishers skippers Howie SHIEBLER (USA) and Peter BROMBY (BER) were stuck in the middle of the pack for most of the race, with the Portuguese team of Afonso DOMINGOS and Bernardo SANTOS even further back. Bromby stands in sixth place overall with Domingos holding tenth overall.

Racing continues through until Friday 11 March and full results are available via the Star Class website via the link below.

Top Ten After Two Races

Position Nation Helm Crew Race 1 Race 2 Points
1 USA BRUN Vince BROPHY Doug 4 1 5
3 USA DIAZ Augie SCHOFIELD Bob 7 2 9
4 USA MERRIMAN Rick NICHOL Brad 9 3 12
5 USA ANOSOV Arthur CAESAR David 8 4 12.0001
6 BER BROMBY Peter PETERS Rick 3 19 22
7 USA ALLEN Bill LICHTER Brad 18 6 24
8 GER ROTERMUND Philipp HOLWEG Nils 13 11 24.0001
9 GBR BEADSWORTH Andy CARR David 11 14 25
10 POR DOMINGOS Afonso SANTOS Bernardo 5 23 28
Event Media (As Amended by ISAF), Image: Brun and Brophy, © Event Media
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