The Official
Website of the
Sailing Federation

Oceanic & Offshore Committee

Jacques LEHN (FRA)
Stan Honey (USA) - Chairman Jacques Lehn (FRA) - Vice-Chairman
Will Apold (CAN )
Special Regulations Representative
Adrienne Cahalan (AUS) Stuart Carruthers (GBR)
International Regulations Representative
Alp Doguoglu (TUR) Bruno FINZI (ITA)
Alp Doguoglu (TUR) Sten Edholm (SWE) Bruno Finzi (ITA)
Jose A Frers (ARG) Janet Grosvenor (GBR) Ken Kershaw (GBR)
Empirical Handicap Representative
Noboru Kobayashi (JPN) Maja Lesny (POL) Vadim Mekhanikov (RUS)
Thomas Nilsson (NOR)

Thomas Rinda (USA)
Sailor Classification Commission Representative

Abe Rosemberg (BRA)
Wolfgang Schaefer (GER) Andor Serra (ESP) Lazaros Tsalikis (GRE)

Terms of Reference

6.8.6 The Oceanic and Offshore Committee shall:

(a) be responsible to Council for planning and policy recommendations on Oceanic and Offshore matters.

(b) promote Oceanic and Offshore racing and cruising throughout the world.

(c) Monitor safety experience in Oceanic and Offshore racing and cruising.

(d) On behalf of the Council adopt and publish the ISAF Special Regulations.

(e) set criteria for designation as International or Recognised Rating Systems and Offshore Classes, review applications and make recommendations on them to Council. Promote dual-purpose cruiser/racer boats in competition.

(f) promote and maintain a calendar of Oceanic and Offshore Events and races within the overall ISAF Calendar, and assist organisers to achieve an orderly schedule.

(g) monitor the activities of all elements of Oceanic and Offshore Racing, conducted in one design or level rating classes of boats, as well as under handicap or rating systems, and report to Council making any appropriate recommendations.

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