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Korea to host the ICA 2016 congress

Date Added:2 November 2011


The ICA General Assembly formally approved the Executive Board recommendation to choose Korea as the host for the 2016 International Congress, so completing a new process developed by ICA to select host countries for its annual conferences and congresses.

The Korean Delegation, ICA President and Secretary General at the AGM

The Korean Delegation, ICA President and Secretary General at the AGM














On 28 October, at the ICA Annual General Meeting, the National Archives of Korea formally presented its candidature to host the 2016 ICA Congress. Enthusiasm, commitment and competence were the three hallmarks of an outstanding presentation prepared by colleagues of the National Archives of Korea and introduced by an opening speech from the NAK President, Mr. Song. Ms Joo-hyun Lee then followed with the difficult task of convincing the delegates, which she did effectively and with humour.


The delegates approved the proposal by an overwhelming majority and warmly applauding the Korean delegation.


The ICA as a whole congratulates Korea for all the work done to complete the bid and prepare this presentation, and extends its best wishes to the 2016 congress team.


To learn more about the National Archives of Korea, click here.